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  1. jbonkerz

    What PC Video Game Are You Playing Now?

    -Call of Duty 4 -Tropico: Paradise Island (Being the dictator of a tropical island is fun!) -Civilization 4 with the expansions
  2. jbonkerz

    Word association (just for fun)

  3. jbonkerz

    How long did you give it some thought before enlisting?

    7 years off and on. I have entertained the idea off and on since I was 16. I was always thinking about how cool it would be to be in the Army. I never told my parents about it, and my stepdad directed me in the path of a skilled tradesman in Heating and Cooling. After graduating highschool I...
  4. jbonkerz

    Problems with Joining

    I have been thinking of joining the Armed Forces for quite some time, however my girlfriend of 4 years said she would leave me if I were to join. I left it alone for about 6 months, however I was still thinking about joining the entire time. I finally told her that I was joining, and if she...