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  1. S

    3G Network in LFCA TC Meaford

    Just returned from the tasking.. Decided to give an update. There is absolutely no 3G network past Blue Mountain. The EDGE is available whenever there is a regular phone reception, and in Meaford as you may have guessed, that's not necessarily good news. My best bet was using the TC computers.
  2. S

    3G Network in LFCA TC Meaford

    Just a bit of a quick random question. I will be going on a tasking to Meaford and was wondering if anyone was aware whether a 3g network is present there? I am currently with Fido. For those that are wondering 3G is basically internet for mobile phones.  Thanks
  3. S

    Aerial Delivery Course

    I think "Aerial Delivery" is the name of the course. I was wondering what this course is about. I know that its something to do with tieing up cargo properly and things of that nature, but is there more to it then that? I mean, the course is 2 weeks long, would you actually be spending the 2...
  4. S

    SQ in Meaford 25 June - 21 July

    I'm in Meaford also (C Coy, 20 Pl, 1 Sect) currently doing SQ. I exchanged a lot of things and was even issued a few things that I didn't have, and it took only a day! But anyway.. what are you all doing this weekend  ;D
  5. S

    summer 2006 SQ

    Yea, we were told that our SQ would start on June 26th - PRes at Meaford.
  6. S

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Haha, yeah, that was pretty funny.. We did fairly well on the grad parade, I watched it on tape after, and it looked pretty impressive - however, when we were told to halt, the guys at the back didn't hear it because of the band, and were pretty close to bumping into each other =) But anyway...
  7. S

    Iron Talon was a mess

    I was supposed to be a villager.. We were sent to the market at 11 PM on Saturday night and had to stay there until 6 am. Nobody went through the market until 6:10 am, so we pretty much just sat there in the cold for 7 hours doing nothing but trying to stay warm... We were told that there were...
  8. S

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    I don't think I'm gonna be bringing it this time either. BMQ 1 never did PT while they were on the field...
  9. S

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Phew... Only a simulation  ;D
  10. S

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Haha.. I'll be sure to go in with the first group  :D
  11. S

    BMQ weekend without kit

    I was in a similar situation, but in my case, none of the people on my course had their kit. So on the second day (Saturday) we all hopped on a bus and went down to Denison to get all of our kit issued to us. It shouldn't be a problem for you, since it's not really your fault. Which unit are you...
  12. S

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Few swim test photos from our course...
  13. S

    weekend BMQ 25 NOV

    Ahh! How you guys doing. Just noticed this thread, and realized that I'm on the same course as you guys. I was the section senior of 1 Section this past weekend, if you can remember me. Btw, am I the only one having trouble stuffing the things into the one ruck sack or what? I guess we are no...
  14. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    We just had our test last weekend, and it was a fun experience which by the end, brought our whole course closer together. I didn't find the test to be all that hard, considering the fact that I haven't been close to a swimming pool in the longest time. I was however out of breath by the time I...
  15. S

    Military Swim Test - When, Where, and How- Merged

    I'm gonna have my swim test next weekend. My question is, does it matter if we swim underwater or not? I ask because I am a lot faster underwater, and I am pretty sure I look lame when I swim above water because I'm all over the place.
  16. S

    Weekend BMQ Course

    My BMQ started on November 21st, and it is in Fort York. The next one is going to start on January 20th, at Moss Park.
  17. S

    Jan 20th Weekend BMQ.

    A buddy of mine in my unit is starting BMQ on the 20th also. I took a look at the info paper paper that he was given and it said that his BMQ will be taking place at our Armoury (Moss Park). Good luck
  18. S

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: Toronto Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: Armoured Trade Choice 3: Military Police Application Date: Winter of 2003 (Can't remember the month because it was too long ago) First Contact: January 5, 2004 Aptitude Test: June 17...
  19. S

    Weight Requirement

    I have the same problem. I am 5'7 and 120 pounds. I eat as much as possible, but I am very active, I run a lot, and go to the gym every other day, so I guess I burn off as much as I gain, because I haven't gained a pound for over 4-6 months now  ??? I guess ill have to turn to weight gainers...
  20. S

    "Are you still interested?"

    I got asked the same question twice. Once, when they called me to schedule my pt test, and the second time when they called me to schedule a date for swearing in. I think it was more because of the fact that I had been waiting to get in for over 2 years.