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  1. Jabrwock

    Flag/Colour Party Drill question

    Maybe I wasn't clear. I don't have a problem with figuring out how to do normal forms. See the image below. What normally happens in a form is that the squad's right marker would be in position A. When doing a right turn to prep for the march past needs be in position B, otherwise: 1) they'd...
  2. Jabrwock

    Flag/Colour Party Drill question

    Your assumption is correct. In theory, the drill should be "standard" across the three elements now. My problem is that while I (and many others) remember what *we* did in our flag parties, many years ago, we're supposed to be teaching "by the book" now so that everyone does drill the same. The...
  3. Jabrwock

    Flag/Colour Party Drill question

    CFP 201 is a bit vague about this... For an about turn, the CP uses "spiral counter-march" (so it doesn't swap left/right, v. important if you're carrying two flags together)? Is this called on the same foot as "mark time"? Is there a precautionary? How many paces following the march do you...
  4. Jabrwock

    Cadet Smoking

    The policy is mostly a recognition of reality. Possession in most provinces is not illegal, it's the sale that is. So the policy merely encourages "discouragement" except in areas where there is no conflict (such as banning smoking on cadet/gov facilities). In those cases it's not the possession...
  5. Jabrwock

    Canadian Flag for Shoulder

    My QM forgot a lot of the "little things". I'm slowly compiling a list of stuff to request when my DEUs come in (again, Logistik sent all the wrong things/sizes the first time). My Trg O lent me a spare until then. :)
  6. Jabrwock

    Army Cadet Dress Regs updated 46-01

    Sorry, I meant "blank with the holes there because we removed the tri-force". Because it's obvious something's missing. And yes, it's partly LCF.  ;D
  7. Jabrwock

    Marching on the Colour

    Do we mark time at the end of the rotate, or keep marching like the band counter-march?
  8. Jabrwock

    Marching on the Colour

    What's the command for that? Bands only do the baton spin thing to indicate a counter march. Is there a reference in any manual that describes the timing/movements?
  9. Jabrwock

    Army Cadet Dress Regs updated 46-01

    Intent is for when you can't update a CATO, it's an interpretation handed down through the chain via memos. Why not clarify it when you DO update the CATO though? They muddle things by stating that slip-ons must adhere to badge positions noted in Annex D, but Annex D only describes the rank...
  10. Jabrwock

    Army Cadet Dress Regs updated 46-01

    That makes sense, although for many new corps they don't have an affiliated unit, or their aff unit isn't as involved due to constraints like location/budget/etc.
  11. Jabrwock

    Marching on the Colour

    CFP 201, Chapter 8, Section 6, Para 3: The Colour party shall march to its position by a series of forms (Figure 8-6-1). Figure 8-6-1 The diagram makes it look like they are doing a band manoeuvre called Spiral Counter-March for Odd Numbers of Files (from CFP 202), and anyway, there's no...
  12. Jabrwock

    Army Cadet Dress Regs updated 46-01

    Neither have I. Just the web-belt though, Air side can't wear tri-force trouser belts. I expect it won't actually come into force until they have a replacement. I have yet to see an Army Cadet crest trouser belt buckle or web-belt buckle. And the idea of a blank web buckle is just silly.
  13. Jabrwock

    Army Cadet Dress Regs updated 46-01

    Go into the same drawer in supply as the old red rank badges I guess.
  14. Jabrwock

    Army Cadet Dress Regs updated 46-01

    http://www.cadets.ca/support/cato-oaic/intro_e.asp?cato=46-01 Highlights: - forbids CADPAT (no surprise there) - authorizes CadetPAT/OD on FTXs (although they are a Field Training Uniform only, not authorized as a parade uniform, ie you can't wear it going to-from cadets) - affiliated unit...
  15. Jabrwock

    new cadet courseware

    http://cadets.net/ClientDownloads/Readme The webclient needs even less, I'll bet you could use Windows98/IE.
  16. Jabrwock

    new cadet courseware

    Talk to your CO or Admin O about getting set up on it. As Trg O you really should be given access...
  17. Jabrwock

    CIC BOQ Course

    So basically like the advice I gave to my cadets on their way to camp. Listen, don't quibble. You're there to learn. If that requires unlearning first, so be it. At no point should the words "but in my corps" cross your lips. ;) (biggest pet peeve when *I* was staff) My CO wants to send me to...
  18. Jabrwock

    New Cadet Courseware (Green Star released)

    Or sink a coffee can with no lid to drop it in. You can see the glow from 10ft away, but any further and it's invisible. Oh, and criss-cross the routes, (team one uses bearing #1 at station1, team 2 uses bearing #2) so if you have multiple teams, they can't just follow each other's flashlights...
  19. Jabrwock

    Cadet Attraction Videos

    Any chance anyone on CadetNet could stick mpeg4 versions of the DVD online? I think our copy got lost when we moved our office around.
  20. Jabrwock

    New Cadet Courseware (Green Star released)

    Hands on all the way. If they're just listening they'll tune you out but if you have something in their hands they'll pay attention. When you do the lesson on types of maps, bring in the various types, and have the cadets handle them. Compare them. Class participation. Ask them about what kinds...