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  1. H

    Universities, the military, and political beliefs.

    You're not the only one... I'm studying History and Philosophy, and most of my friends in the same career track are studying any number of the social sciences or humanities at every university across the country.  Being exposed to a variety of different ways of thinking, whether you agree with...
  2. H

    Just War Theory

    Thomas Nagel, War and Massacre You can find it in an anthology called "Consequentialism and its Critics" (ed. Samuel Scheffler), or here http://www.utdallas.edu/~jfg021000/nagle_war.html Not sure if this may help but for a classical reference take a look at Aristotle's Politics, specifically...
  3. H

    Anyone out there going to IAP in May?

    I did BOTP this past summer (May-mid June)...it was a blast, we were thrown in with a bunch of UTPNCM's and had a chance to soak up some of the great stories, practical jokes, and advice they were more than willing to offer. I was fortunate enough (so I've been told) to get exempted from SLT and...
  4. H

    Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

    There varying degrees of severity of asthma and unless he was a severe case i doubt he`ll drop dead...besides you can have relatively poor vision and join the army, and aren`t broken glasses a liability too? And to answer the original question posed, yes I too was initially rejected on the...
  5. H

    Officer Basic Training, CFRS St Jean, 2004-2005

    Last summer on IAP, out of a platoon of 30 or so we had two drop out in the first 2 weeks and one in week 4. That was it for voluntary releases but we also had 2 recoursed for medical reasons.
  6. H

    Anti -military

    Sorry to bring us back to this topic again, but I just had to add my 2 cents. This anti-military phenomenon is not just restricted to BC...at McGill in Montreal, although it‘s not as overt here (with the signs and all), it‘s still unreal, with the weekly anti-military protests and such. One guy...
  7. H

    Who is/was the greatest Canadian?

    The constitution was important, but as for "doing what Britain tells us to do," refer to the Statute of Westminster, 1931. http://www.solon.org/Constitutions/Canada/English/StatuteofWestminster.html As for great Canadians, I‘m going to have to throw Paul Henderson into the mix...he saved our...