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  1. Bigrex

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    Actually, the judge stated that the contracting parties to an insurance plan can have whatever deductions they want, but it has to be written down in clear language in the policy so that no interpretation of what is included is required. Our case won because the CDS used the term "Income...
  2. Bigrex

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    Yes, it'll be hard for all the Harper fanboys on these forums to brush this one aside. This was a major program that will affect the entire Navy's operational capabilities, and put sailors lives at risk, and just because it will cost too much. To bad they spent all of that 14 billion dollar...
  3. Bigrex

    A very nice thing happened to me and my family

    CanadianTire, I see by your profile that you live in Vancouver, so I am not surprised by your situation, as the majority of the more volatile peace freaks live in BC, Vancouver and Victoria mainly. In Victoria, my brother was put in hospital by several of the individuals because they were...
  4. Bigrex

    Should Dual Citizens Be Allowed To Vote In Only One Country?

    Being someone who had dual citizenship until  joined the forces at 19, I  can understand someone wanting to vote in their country of origin, especially if they still have family there and visit regularly, but most countries would most likely require proof of residency, not citizenship to vote...
  5. Bigrex

    Veterans Affairs Canada:Well-oiled machine or department in crisis?

    It is true, there is a very different mentality between supervisors in the Army and those in the navy. I had three surgeries in the last 16 months of service, and spent over 2 weeks in the hospital following them, yet i was never visited by any of my supervisors, out of an office of 15 people...
  6. Bigrex

    Veterans Affairs Canada:Well-oiled machine or department in crisis?

    To illustrate how the Conservatives and the Minister of veterans affairs are guilty of committing a political snowjob in the name of supporting the veterans, to the general public, I will list the statements from the Veterans bill of rights that the Conservatives introduced keep saying is...
  7. Bigrex

    Veterans Affairs Canada:Well-oiled machine or department in crisis?

    grunt, what is your disability if you don't mind me asking, so that SISIP extended you?  I was told by SISIP that i didn't meet their criteria for being completely disabled, I guess severe arthritis both knees, chronic lower back pain, arthritis in my neck, peripheral neuropathy, and major...
  8. Bigrex

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    well the only real negative experience I've had with any uniformed med techs was in 97, after breaking a finger playing basketball in Norfolk VA. The staff down there placed the finger in traction and casted it with the pinky extended, but after getting back to Halifax they cut the cast off and...
  9. Bigrex

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    I agree, it shouldn't be, but that was what they said, and hopefully it will be corrected at the appeal hearing, but who knows what will happen since I will not be able to attend. They also denied a claim for aggravated OA in my right knee, stating that the lose of 4 degrees of cartilage and...
  10. Bigrex

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    Just soldiering on as many of us do, will only hurt you in the long run. After being hit in the lower back by a steel door on HMCS Toronto, I self medicated, even after reporting the accident I only sought medical help when the pain grew too intense that the Tylenol ES and ibuprofen didn't cut...
  11. Bigrex

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    1. In every conflict, one persons war hero is another persons war criminal, legislation in place or not. 2. Iraq has had WMDs and have used them, so it wasn't such as stretch, and if Bush Sr had gone into Iraq in the first place, people would haven't blinked an eye. And it isn't a stretch to...
  12. Bigrex

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    good catch Cougar, I didn't even realize I said Marine. I had just finished playing COD4 and had marines in my head. Thanks for the clarification, but the point is still valid. And I agree FHG, send him back, but since he was Navy, have him shipped back as a prisoner on a CPF on its way to...
  13. Bigrex

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    That is true, but I was talking more about front line soldiers, who's ages range from 18-40, as I highly doubt there are any Privates, Corporals and Sergeants, or even junior Officers ( below Major), being forced out for being too old.
  14. Bigrex

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    They are actually releasing a movie soon called "Stop-Loss", where a Marine Sgt  has his release squashed and redeployed to Iraq, and I guess this is like someone coming to the end of their BE or BE2 and without signing another contract, being forced to go to Afghanistan to fill a billet...
  15. Bigrex

    Will you vote NDP in the next election?

    Well for the exception of Peter Stoffer, who happens to be my representative and the only MP who actually gives a crap about veteran's issues, I don't have any time for the NDP, but Peter has my vote because I know I can keep him on the hill and fighting for me, without realistically having an...
  16. Bigrex

    545 People Responsible For America's Woes

    yes, but when your choices are Bozo, Bobo and Boinko, chances are, whoever gets elected will have a big red nose and wearing face paint. Sure , one may squirt you less with his taxation flower, while another can make awesome balloon military equipment, while the last one can get more of his...
  17. Bigrex

    Veterans Affairs Canada:Well-oiled machine or department in crisis?

    Are the Tories the root of all evil, no, they're not. but when they say that they care and will fix the issues (MND, March 28 /07, during question period, as a response to NDP VA critic Peter Stoffer) that they know about (VIP and SISIP), then in spite of having 14 Billion in surplus, fight...
  18. Bigrex

    Veterans Affairs Canada:Well-oiled machine or department in crisis?

    Well Recce, since you seem to be a know it all, then tell me why the Tories keep repeating that the NVC is something they did for veterans, but in truth, it was a bureaucratic decision, not a political one, so no party can accept responsibility for it. The NVC was put forward by VAC and just...
  19. Bigrex

    Veterans Affairs Canada:Well-oiled machine or department in crisis?

    Yes a very good article, yet the minister of Veteran Affairs wrote an article in rebuttal, basically calling the authors liars. is this the respect and honor that the minister and VAC shows towards veterans. He then goes onto tout all the things that they have done for veterans, likely poorly...
  20. Bigrex

    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    IMO, when you sign on the dotted line, offering your life to the CF, all individual rights, and all political and religious beliefs should be suspended for the duration of your career if it interferes with your job and the fulfillment of your duties. it all started going downhill when the Cf...