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Search results

  1. H

    Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

    Well I just got back from writingmy CFAT in London. I didn't get my first choice of trade, but I decided to go for MSE OP. I've been doing research and found that it sparked interest. I go for my interview on Tuesday and hope to be recommended for a position. I found out that there is only 5...
  2. H

    I am so torn ... Reg or Res route... long post

    Thanks guys for the vote of confidence. About SAR TECH, I do hope one daay to become part of there team. I'm not saying right away. But with experience as a tff tech I know it will help me. I also know that SARtech is very hard to get into. If I don't get into it throughout my career, doesn't...
  3. H

    CFAT on Wednesday

    Just so everyon understands. The only thing I was told in the conselling session was to brush up on my problem solving. The spacial and vocabulary segments I don't have to worry about too much. That's why I was inquiring about the math mark. I knwo that it obviously didn't help much that I...
  4. H

    CFAT on Wednesday

    Sorry, I didn't know that the recruiters would give me that information. I figured if someone on this thread knew than it would help me.. I still up for anyone to help me out thanks alot
  5. H

    Traffic Tech Crse Sept 2007

    Does anyone know what the qualifying mark for traffic tech is. I have to re-write the cfat, waiting for my waiver to be granted ,and have been putting my nose to the grind stone studying.. Just wondering if anyone can help me out here... Havn't heard anything back from the posts I've sent out so...
  6. H

    I am so torn ... Reg or Res route... long post

    chimo2u, I am waiting for my waiver to be granted also. The first time I wrote my CAFT I didn't qualify for the trade I wanted which is Traffic Tech.. I saw that it was one of your options to choose from if you didn't want to wait for the waiver.  My question to you is, what is the passing mark...
  7. H

    CFAT on Wednesday

    Hey just wondering if you knwo what a pass is for traffic tech. I unfortunatly have to re-write my cfat..  I'm hopeing the end of this month.
  8. H

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Derek, I'm in the same position as you.. I wrote my CFAT July 31 and didn't qualify for my specific trade (TRAFFIC TECH). So the Captain that talked to me said that usually you can rewrite the test in 10 days, but since my problem was mainly with the problem solving he told me he was going to...