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  1. 48 highlander

    Taliban Tells CBC to Stop "destructive and inhumane mission"

    well, i dont know about you guys but im sick and tired of only talking about our casualties over there. I would be less then eager to start publishing WIA numbers, just because theres so much more goin on, more important things IMHO, that the media is ignoring already. The information is...
  2. 48 highlander

    Troops mourn teenaged comrade who insisted: 'I ain't no baby'

    afraid he would be deployed but still joined afraid while there but still did his job, even volunteered for a more dangerous assignment Thats true courage right there. RIP you've earned it :salute:
  3. 48 highlander

    Weapon allowed on plane

    there are companies that make plastic knives comparable to metal ones(apparently), i doubt x-ray will pick that up and metal detectors definitely wont
  4. 48 highlander


    i could send u the script for the ending and wouldn't ruin a thing  ;D so freaking awesome...gotta see it again
  5. 48 highlander

    knee and/or elbow pads for the infanteer

    most military knee pads are built the same IMHO. i got myself a pair of husky gel dual cap knee pads from Home Depot. cost me about 22 buck before tax. They've got good padding and have a cup shape so they don't shift around much when ur kneeling. the top strap is elastic while the bottom is...
  6. 48 highlander

    TorStar Column: Troops Jeer at Taliban Jack on TV

    someone give that woman a prime time talkshow... we need a Canadian Colbert anyone up for over stepping our professional bounds and protesting the protesters...just a thought ;D
  7. 48 highlander

    Military use of Gators outside fortified bases

    because it lets you do your job quickly and efficently
  8. 48 highlander

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    http://www.torontosun.com/News/TorontoAndGTA/2007/06/19/4272222-sun.html I just heard about this on the radio. I'm not gunna write anythin more cuz my blood pressure is still a bit to high. Let's just do something about it
  9. 48 highlander

    Are you angry yet?

    Its not even that simple IMHO. We have to do both at the same time. I mean, how much easier would it be if we could just "close with the destroy" the country, THEN go in with food, meds and other goodies. I think this is what most people don't get, these 2 components are not separate.
  10. 48 highlander

    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Im pretty sure someone already posted these pics. Leo 1A3 in Austrailian service Mod:  oops, talkin about the very first pics posted...thought they were the newest    :-[