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  1. R

    Anyone in Winnipeg looking for a good job? Management/mechanical...?

    I have a line on a job, it's for a branch manager. The candidate needs to be mechanical/technically inclined and have some accounting experience. Anyone interested, please PM me
  2. R

    Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

    Yep. News release went out yesterday (too late for news cycle). Sentencing should be starting in a few mins.
  3. R

    Pets During Deployment?

    The States has a Facebook group that is voluntary and run by members to help source out temp homes for pets. There is no funding from the gov't to cover pet care while on deployment. In short, network with your friends.
  4. R

    CAP Aldershot

    I am
  5. R

    Mom~Looking for a few answers - 1RNBR BMQ training

    Well then, SHE is very good at this - ;D
  6. R

    Mom~Looking for a few answers - 1RNBR BMQ training

    I can tell you not every area offers a Co-op program - some are successful, some are not. The Brigade Recruiting Group could help with that - The BRG.  I am sure Vern will be back with the answers you are looking for - he's very good at this
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    CAP Gagetown

    Dammit - I am suposed to leave on Saturday and I am actually very sick - I am going to the MIR tomorrow - hopefully it isn't strep.
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    Change of report date and IRP Policy

    I worked with IRP for a year and thought I may be of some assistance - but the answers provided are pretty good. You are always welcome to grieve any decision made by IRP - it will go up the chain to the Team Leader and if no decision at that level - go to DCBA. I think you are out of gas on...
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    CAP Gagetown

    Nice pic ArmyVern :) No worries - I did not think you were doubting me, another page I belong to is always asking for cites so I am used to it. It's on the list, so my CFs are coming
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    CAP Gagetown

    Sorry, yes I am a reservist. Maybe the policy is different depending on the clothing stores :) Or maybe it has changed in the past two years (that would be shocking, no?) I just know that's what they told me at the time.
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    CAP Gagetown

    When I went to clothing stores they explained they no longer issue CFs until you are qualified - I guess because they got tired of chasing people down for them if the NES'd
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    CAP Gagetown

    It fascinates me that CF dress is required - but most new members are not issued CFs until two years in...
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    CAP Gagetown

    They changed my course location - I am off to live in tent city on lovely Gagetown. Any tips for making it eleven weeks away? Also, anyone know where to find the joining instructions? The links on the portal are dead....
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    CAP Aldershot

    It would, except I am way, way too far from home to get home on a weekend and still have time for a visit. Not to mention how hard it would be to leave after - for everyone. No, I am just going to have to suck it up and make it through. I am looking at it two ways - one I need to get through...
  15. R

    CAP Aldershot

    I am doing CAP in Aldershot starting June 2. Anyone else? I am dreading it. Not for the course, but because I am a mom and it's the longest I will ever have been away. Wish I had done this CTR thing years ago.
  16. R

    CAP Syllabus - 2008?

    Hello all - before anyone jumps at me I did a search for previous posts BUT I understand the CAP course is undergoing a major overhaul. I am looking to see what the new mods will look like - if anyone has a sneak peek...? I am trying to organize my summer IT schedule and this would be a HUGE...
  17. R

    CAP dates - next summer, Gagetown and Aldershot - if possible

    I apologize George Wallace - but I did check - the previous threads all discussed CAP dates until the end of May, I was specifically asking for dates this summer - after May. I have asked at my Brigade and they provided the same dates here - until the end of May, which doesn't help me. if...
  18. R

    Running cadences, on the ipod!

    podfitness.com has a bunch of running cadences set to different paces - the music is not bad all club stuff so there is quite a bit of techno
  19. R

    CAP dates - next summer, Gagetown and Aldershot - if possible

    Does anyone know the upcoming CAP dates for next summer? I know Aldershot had a few CAP courses go through last summer, are they doing it again? I need to do it in mods (family commitment) but am trying to get as many mods done over the summer as possible
  20. R

    BOTP Joining Instructions/Kit List

    Thanks Veronica. One more question for anyone - the course runs from the Monday until the Friday. Is there anyway I can leave on the Friday as my babysitter wants to leave on the Friday? I wish I had joining instructions and a course schedule....