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  1. L

    Help Please!

    Hey there, sorry I didn't get back earlier, I couldnt get onto the ARRSE site either, but I see you have worked it out!...I see also someone posted the correct link, sorry I should have done that earlier..no great debate, just curiousity really (military geeks!!). We knew it wasn't a UK mess...
  2. L

    Help Please!

    Can you settle a debate on our site please (UK) http://www.arse.co.uk Is this guy one of yours? And if so, what Regiment is he from and what are the decorations he's wearing?? We think we can make out a QGJM and maybe a QSJM.....? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5d/Cut_away.JPG
  3. L

    UK Forces' Oaths of Enlistment

    Then may I convey my respects to you. Falklands was before my time but I served shoulder to shoulder with a coy from 40 Cdo in Afghanistan. I'm a para and we have an intense rivalry (as you know!). But when it comes to the crunch if you ask a para who he would most wish to have watching his...
  4. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    (N.B. Forgive my misspellings and grammatical mistakes on this post because it is 0300 in the UK and I have just come home from celebrating our victory!) I honestly don't know the answer to that. The one thing I am certain of is that now he is coming back to us he will be looked after until his...
  5. L

    UK Forces' Oaths of Enlistment

    You've got to be an British ex-pat serviceman or even an ex-bootie. I don't think anyone in the UK could have better summed up the RM ethos!!!!! The reference to "green lid" is something only someone with inside knowledge could know about!! Either you're a Brit in disguise or you're very well...
  6. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    All three points you have just brought up are being addressed as we speak and I promise I will keep those of you over here who are interested up to date. The evolution of Human Rights laws over here have seen to it that Gurkhas settling in Britain are paid a better pension than they would...
  7. L

    UK Forces' Oaths of Enlistment

    Whilst I appreciate satire as much as the next man (or sailor) I have to take you up one the 3 points I've highlighted. 1. Speaking as a paratrooper, I obviously don't agree that our sexually confused Marines are the toughest troops we have. 2. At this moment in time, just about everyone in...
  8. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    Fantastic news, I have known for a few hours now but was not allowed to mention anything until it went public. Incidently, this is the first time the BBC have bothered to report on the story in any depth. They are a blantantly and overtly liberal left organisation with an unmistakeable...
  9. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    I should also have included this link...it's very touching. It shows has been made aware that we are "watching his back" (his words) just as he would have watched ours as a young soldier (and did). http://album.phototrance.co.uk/album/296999#imageID=17955278 S
  10. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    I have no idea..in fact that was the first I heard of it. The discussion is moving so fast on our on site that it's impossible to keep up with. However the firm of lawyers working for him have hinted that there may be a couple of celebrities, one female getting on...
  11. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    I don't really consider myself an Englishman, Just a Brit. My mother is from a Belfast family, My Father an English family and I was born in South Africa... But I take your point and I agree with you....just hope the winds of change start blowing in our direction soon!!! Regards S
  12. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    They truly are the most unpopular government in history now. A lot has to do with the Iraq war, but the mess they have made internally of the UK, which is obviously not discussed outside the UK is mostly to blame. The government has consistently lied and shown themselves to be hypocrites. Bliars...
  13. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    I could not agree with you more. The Socialist disease is indeed what is destroying us and what is most infuriating is the inherent hypocrisy. This is best seen in those at the top of the socialist order; they are all rich, they live in big houses, their children go to the best schools (usually...
  14. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    No. I'm talking about the UK...the criticisms on here are levelled at the UK, but it's not the people who are responsible for this. It's Tony 'Bliar' and the god awful government that is killing our country. That is to whom I was referring. ###Modified to acknowledge, Pidd and Kirkhill's...
  15. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    Please read my past posts guys. We are currently suffering from the worst government we have ever had who value the Armed Forces less than they ever have been before. If you asked the average man in the street over here he would be as disgusted as the rest of us. I have not heard one single...
  16. L

    Iraq hero puts medal on ebay

    OK, my apologies.. SK
  17. L

    Iraq hero puts medal on ebay

    This was cleared up on the British Army website...I'll try and find the link when I go back there in a minute. I don't know what the law is for you guys, but it is illegal for a serving soldier in the UK to sell any of his medals. Apparently this 'sale' was a drunken bet, and an advert was...
  18. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    Reporting from ARRSE - British Army Site -http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=66783/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=0.html It is indeed his medal that is kept in the museum and they have stated that they consider it no longer belongs to him!! I'm given to understand that he believed...
  19. L

    Gurkhas: Living in/settling in U.K. (merged)

    Here is the citation for the Victoria Cross he was awarded, I think you'll agree, it makes the hairs stand up on the back of you neck: "The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS to :- No. 10119 Rifleman Tullbahadur (sic) Pun, 6th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army...
  20. L

    8 Apr 07 - Sgt Donald Lucas, Cpl Brent Poland, Cpl Aaron Williams, Cpl Chris Stannix (PLF), Pte Kevin Kennedy, Pte David Greenslade - 2 RCR

    H.M.F (UK)  :salute: http://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=62845/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=0.html