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  1. A

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    put on almost 6000km on my new car? I lose either way I guess. oh well, thems the breaks I guess.
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    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    Trying to find the cheapest vehicle transport company, cuz the army won't pay for my move back to gagetown after OJT. Damn Administrative loops holes. haha
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    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    :) thank you for the quick response I'll try to talk to the pay officer people although right now I don't think I have one cuz Im attach posted to a reserve unit for a next little while.
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    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    OK I joined the military AUGUST 09 as DEO Infantry. I Went to IAP/BOTP August 25. Promoted to 2LT from OCDT at the end of IAP/BOTP on December 14. I have been getting paid as a 2LT the entire time including when I was OCDT. Anyone know what date my incentive is suppose to increase? So...
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    Do I take the pilot offer??

    There is also a really really long waiting period for pilots. You will go to st.jean for your IAP BOTP and then go to Second language training for up to 8 months unless you already speak fluent french. After second language training you will probably end up doing on the job training( which is...
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    Weapon Cleaning

    any of you guys have experience getting CLP in the eye? I accidently shoot a bunch of CLP in my eye :-[ Is it particularly dangerous? i just used the eye rinsing bottle for a few minutes but thats about it.
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    CAP dates - next summer, Gagetown and Aldershot - if possible

    I'm heading to gagetown for CAP soon and I was wondering what the accommodations are going to be like. Is it gonna be basically a repeat of St.Jean for IAP/BOTP? Im regular DEO. My understanding is that Im going to be posted to gagetown but not actually start CAP right away since they are back...
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    What are the differences between BMQ and BOTC?

    Speaking of acronyms and abbreviations is there a list somewhere around in the forum? Some times I have no idea what people are talking about.
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    Waiting Completed.

    Damn I've been shafted. ???
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    washroom problems

    Strangely I found this topic amusing ha ha
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    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    My interviewer told me "Live your life, We'll surprise you one of these days with a call." I suggest if you are serious about joining the CF that you head down to your local CFRC and speak with the people there. Apply when you can and live your life as if you hadn't, except for the occasional...
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    Beware Potential Phising Activity Targetting CF/DND users

    ?!?!?!?!?!? How'd you know I was ugly?
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    Waiting Completed.

    Eh?!?!? How do you know that you are RCR? Am I the only one that has been sworn in but still doesn't know which regiment/battalion I will be assigned to after basic?
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    CFAT on Wednesday

    I don't know if that point about not letting you know what your score is policy, since I was told my score on the CFAT. I didn't even ask for it but the interviewer happen to just mention my score when he was looking at my file.
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    Beware Potential Phising Activity Targetting CF/DND users

    I seem to remember someone talking about naming a facebook thingy designed just for the military personnel on the forum a little while back. Hmmmm I wonder if this is related?
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    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    :) Ok you got me there :) Or maybe I'd write it on my alternate personality haha JK
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    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    ??? There is a pre-course assignment?  Are you talking about the preparing to write a autobiography of yourself? or is there something I missed in the joining instruction?
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    The Geek Test:

    What is SCA? What is "that guy" at a concert? What does it mean when it says "filed the Census as my persona"? I got 11.63708% Geekish Tendencies
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    Sworn In - Reg Force

    Where you swearing in? I mean which CFRC?