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Search results

  1. TheGreyMan

    Taking Chance

    I had the pleasure of seeing this film last week and I agree that it is a must see. It is an extremely moving experience, but more importantly it helps to put to rest the horrible lie that the military is some impersonal, unfeeling beast which consumes gullible kids and spits them out when they...
  2. TheGreyMan

    37, out of shape and looking to join up (res)...

    You've probably gotten all the information you need from other replies and other threads in this forum but I thought I'd toss in my .02 as a guy who was in a similar situation. 30, male, 6'3", and 250lbs. 1) START NOW!! I started training as soon as I decided to join the reserves so had over a...
  3. TheGreyMan

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Edmonton Component: Primary Reserve Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: Infantry Trade Choice 3: Infantry Application Date: May 18, 2007 First Contact: Pending CFAT- Pending Medical- Pending Physical- Pending Interview- Pending Position Offered: Pending Basic Training...