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  1. K

    Prince Harry Deploys to Afghanistan

    oh so big deal, spent 10 weeks vacation in Afghanistan and came back as a hero. I wonder what did he do overthere.
  2. K

    IAP or VIP?

    There are 3 BMOQ running in st jean currently, one for french and two for english 30e and 31e. Apparently one of the english platoon is much higher standard than the other 2 platoons. it ends up highly dropout or injury rate in the first 2 weeks from that platoon, whereas those who are being...
  3. K

    obstacle course

    Don't count on these so called policy. It is all up to the instructors. I've heard no combat boots runnning for more than 500m but they did make people doing that for 10km during morning pt. I've heard no full gear, including rug sac, running but they did make people doing that. and many things...
  4. K

    IAP For CFR's

    you are right about that, in my opinion both IAP and BMQ are very similar but IAP is way more easier than BMQ, physically and mentally. The instructors tend to scream more at a recruit than an ocdt. People been thru the BMQ should be exempted from IAP. I've seen ex cpl, mcpl and even sgt were...
  5. K

    comission from the rank questions

    wow outstanding mcpl and sgt? sounds like officers are better than all NCM.
  6. K

    comission from the rank questions

    what is comission from the rank? how much time in before I am allowed comission from the rank? If I am a private or corporal, am I allowed to comission from the rank? I've heard a 20-year experience WO comission from the rank and become a 2LT. anyone can answer these questions? thanks
  7. K

    join the reserve as an officer

    I am wondering how long and where is the basic training for the reserve officer. Is it going to be IAP/BOTP then CAP? If one day I want to switch to reg force, do I have to do it all over again? I appreciate if someone can answer my questions.
  8. K

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    I am surprised that you have such mood to party during the basicĀ  :o
  9. K

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    thanks for the suggestion
  10. K

    webbing or tactical vest

    I am regular. that's what i mean c7a2. no matter at all, just curious are we using the new items or not.
  11. K

    webbing or tactical vest

    During the BMQ and BMOQ, are we going to get webbing or tactical vest? C7 or shorter version C7?
  12. K

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    For these Facecloth, hand towel, and bath towel (dark colour), anyone know what size and color would be the best? and Wide Belt, how wide it supposed to be? I assume it should be black. I am so poor and I can't afford to buy repeated stuffs. even if they pay me $200 in advance, I'd rather to...
  13. K

    Re-enlisting in Reserves????

    i was in 96 and out 04, now decide to get back in and start basic all over again.
  14. K

    BOTC - Aug 27th, anyone going??

    Some people here supposed already to be basicly trained in their former or current service as NCMs or even Officers? I am wondering why they have to do it all over again when they decide to become officers? or at least IAP can be excepted.
  15. K

    WIndsor recruit. Swearing in Time and Date?

    I was in reserve but I resigned since 2004. After these years struggled for living, I decide to join the reg force, but I have to start all over again. Sounds fun!
  16. K

    WIndsor recruit. Swearing in Time and Date?

    Good for you, from windsor to BC. Stay away from this dead city.
  17. K

    WIndsor recruit. Swearing in Time and Date?

    I am sure we are swearng in on the same date.
  18. K

    WIndsor recruit. Swearing in Time and Date?

    Anyone from Windsor knows the Time and Date of swearing in? I'm currently out of the country and not able to reach my recruitor.
  19. K

    French Language Training

    what about this French language course? Every regular officer must pass that course for futher promotion?