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  1. Romeo Echo Mike Echo

    Halifax Rifles returned to Order of Battle?

    I read press release glad to hear about The Halifax Mounted Rifles; the fascinating report was about a " new Company-sized sub-unit to be assigned to one of Land Force Western Area’s existing Reserve Force Infantry Battalions in Yellowknife". Any guesses about which BNs? LER maybe as 4 or5 PPCLI.
  2. Romeo Echo Mike Echo

    The Excalibur Merged Thread

    They know the cost of everything (selective to fit their aggenda) and the value of nothing. With  funeral costs  for CF members KIA in Afghanistan quoted at $1,000,000  taking out one bomb maker might prevent 1 to 3+ deaths from IEDs ect; thats 1 to3 million versus the cost of one Excaliber. The...
  3. Romeo Echo Mike Echo

    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    I have eaten your bread and salt. I have drunk your water and wine. The deaths ye died I have watched beside, And the lives ye led were mine. Kipling, This little self styled Fenian doesn't realize the Queen is more Canadian then any republican head of state can ever be (appointed...
  4. Romeo Echo Mike Echo

    CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

    How much Anti-Military brainwashing have Canadians been subjected to since the end of WWII? I'd blame the media for this post-Viet Nam style journalism. Serving your Country and the Profession of Arms is far more noble than being some hack reporter. I think it was Kierkegaard who said I'd rather...
  5. Romeo Echo Mike Echo

    The Movie 300 and response by Iran

    What does the Islamic Republic of Iran care about Persia? They don't call their country Persia anymore and isnt there a saying to the effect that there is no history before the Prophet? Why do they care if a bunch of idol worshippers slaughtered each other? Perhaps they are afraid that the west...
  6. Romeo Echo Mike Echo

    Reserve Forces Foreign Service Arrangements

    This is a great idea. When I was a young and skinny Militia Rat this would have been perfect. Oz is to use an American term a Major Non-NATO Ally and An ABCA ( American,British,Canadian,Australian/NZ ) country. What about other Commonwealth nations? :cdn: