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  1. russianfrontphotos

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    "As far as your 'management' of things, what happens when you get tasked to operate with another country's forces and live and eat in their facilities, whose kitchens put peanut sauce on or in many dishes?" Just to be clear here, I am not allergic to peanuts (peanuts are not nuts). I eat them...
  2. russianfrontphotos

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    I don't know why this board has so many uptight people on it? I read this just now and its bang-on in my opinion: Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:17 pm    Post subject: Re: Can’t stand curry? Sorry, you can’t join the Army   ...
  3. russianfrontphotos

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    Found this on the web, its from the British Army: Do You Have a Medical Condition? Unfortunately and understandably, there are many medical conditions that are not compatible with Army service. So before you apply it's important that you reveal your complete medical history. Please see below...
  4. russianfrontphotos

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    I did read all of the 103 posts above mine a couple of times over. I understand the army's point but its not like I only have this problem if I join the army. Its with me period. So I manage it. I don't just eat anything handed to me. I look at it and analyze the risk. Pasteries are a definate...
  5. russianfrontphotos

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    Well here's my sorry story about allergies. I went in for my interview and physical yesterday. Interviewer told me that I was a good candidate for the reserve postion that I am looking for. Great. Then the dreaded medical interview. All was well but when I declared on the form that I have an...
  6. russianfrontphotos

    All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

    Just wanted to let you all know that there is a new rule in place regarding laser eye surgery. I had my CFAT late June and had my Med and Interview set for July 12th. I told the lady at the booking counter that I was going to have laser eye surgery on June 29th. She said it didn't matter. I...
  7. russianfrontphotos

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Here's my update: Recruting Center: Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Armored Recon Trade Choice 2: Supply Trade Choice 3: Artillery Application Date: June 8, 2007 First Contact: May 31, 2007 CFAT date: June 25 (Passed it today!) Medical and Interview: July 12
  8. russianfrontphotos

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I wrote the CFAT this morning. I'm 37 and have a university degree and work in a professional field and man, it was a lot harder than I expected. I was nervous going in and I am still a bundle of nerves after. There was no "slam dunk" section. The math part was hard. You have a lot of time...
  9. russianfrontphotos

    They dropped the fitness test?

    I was told 2 weeks ago by my local reserve recuitment person that as of 3 months ago the CF dropped the fitness test? Is that your understanding?? Anyways I am training like I'd have to take the test. I can pass the 2.4 km time barrier (11min45 sec on my 3rd try) and now I'm working on my weak...
  10. russianfrontphotos

    Medical standards for reserve applicants

    Hi. Does anyone know if the medical standards for reserve applicants is lower than for regular force applicants? I ask because the committment is part time and not full time. A medical issue that might prevent a full time soldier from doing his job might be acceptable for a part timer I would...
  11. russianfrontphotos

    Running Self assessment.

    I have heard that there is no fitness test anymore but despite that I'm training like there was. My 2.4 km times have progressed as follows (I've only run 3 times since I started training). I haven't run in a couple of years. Its not really my thing. I'm 37 by the way. First time=14 minutes, 20...
  12. russianfrontphotos

    How long is the Reserves application process taking these days?

    I met a guy who was in about 1 month after he first applied to the reserve unit I just applied to. Seems like a ton of variability!
  13. russianfrontphotos

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruting Center: Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Reserve Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Armored Recon Trade Choice 2: Supply Trade Choice 3: Artillery Application Date: June 7, 2007 First Contact: May 31, 2007 CFAT date: June 25
  14. russianfrontphotos

    How long is the Reserves application process taking these days?

    Why would the main thread for recruitment times be in the air force website? Am I missing something?
  15. russianfrontphotos

    How long is the Reserves application process taking these days?

    Here's my update: Applied Friday June 8th Just got the call today for the CFAT which will be on Monday June 25th (just about 2 weeks after application) Assuming I pass the CFAT I should be able to get the medical within 2-3 days of the CFAT according to the recruiting centre. Assuming pass...
  16. russianfrontphotos

    Pte Wiebe, Cpl. Bouzane, Sgt. Karigiann Killed in Afghanistan Blast - 20 June 07

    God bless these heroic men. They have not died in vain. They died proudly representing Canada. My hear breaks at this loss.
  17. russianfrontphotos

    How long is the Reserves application process taking these days?

    I applied exactly 1 week ago and I'm anxious to be called for the medical, CFAT and interview!! Anybody who just got in, how long did it take?? Maybe I am the worlds most impatient person but each day I wait seems like an eternity...I know in the "old days" it could take forever but I have heard...
  18. russianfrontphotos

    Taking pictiures while training or on excersize

    Hey guys, great reponses! I never take photos that would embarass somebody, they are usually just "better" photos than you would usually see - better focus, composition and exposure. I probably wouldn't be able to match the high level of the forces Imagery Tech as I'd be limited to a small point...
  19. russianfrontphotos

    Huge collection of photos from my WWII history tour of England and France

    These pics were taken along the way in my recent month long trip to Europe (April 2007) Military history wasn't intended to be the focus but it somehow morphed into that. Those D-day beaches and museums can really suck up the days. As can those amazing tank and air museums in England. From the...
  20. russianfrontphotos


    Nice job, I enjoyed watching it!