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  1. Belce

    British sailors arrested at gunpoint by Iranian navy.

    Actually Syria's Baath party is majority composed of a Shia sect called Alawi.  The majority of people in Syria are Sunni, but they are ruled by Shite Muslims.   For more info you can google alawi islam or for a quick look http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/intro/islam-alawi.htm
  2. Belce

    Muslim policewoman refuses to shake chief's hand

    First the reason why I read and post here is because I am a supporter, I and my family have a military background that I am very proud of.  To be frank, I think this story about this woman was brought forward by the press in England because it would sell copy and not because it was ever an...
  3. Belce

    Muslim policewoman refuses to shake chief's hand

    You have a right to an opinion.  Also part of that is that your opinion could be wrong.  "Its my opinion!" is not a valid defence against reason, it is a very poor argument.  The opinions expressed against someone whose faith does not allow something is something we respect.  I did not think...
  4. Belce

    Hamas: "Move Israel to Nunavut"

    Much has been said about Canada abandoning its role as an honest broker in the Mideast.  I don't see how we can call ourselves honest if we don't call it as it is.  Kidnapping soldiers or anyone to trade for common criminals is a war crime, using the local population to shield your military...
  5. Belce

    Muslim policewoman refuses to shake chief's hand

    I don't see why this is a big deal.  As part of the ceremony she would have saluted the Chief Ian Blair.  She would then accept his verbal congrats.  This says nothing about her ability or willingness to fullfill her job as a police officer.  With out doubt she completed her training which would...
  6. Belce

    I Don't Know if you Can Help Me

    Thank you that is a very good start for me.  Cheers
  7. Belce

    I Don't Know if you Can Help Me

    But any help would be appreciated. I am looking for information concerning my Grandfather that served in WWI as a piper in the Seaforth Highlanders from Scotland.  He joined the Seaforth in 1910 as a boy piper and was regimental pipe major at the end of it.  His name was Kenneth Macaulay if...
  8. Belce

    Put Leopards in Afghanistan stuff HERE

    There is this video on youtube about them as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rab8cxw1YfM&mode=related&search= They certainly have changed alot over the years.
  9. Belce

    To convoy, or not to convoy

    Big Red, Frist of all, these guys get better airplay when they kill Canadians.  I think their action is directed more so to create a case to remove Canadians from there.  Based on what Canadian solders have done before, I wouldn't want to be up against them . 
  10. Belce

    To convoy, or not to convoy

    For the North Atlantic convoys, it was done mainly as an offensive atcion against submairnes.  Convoy system allowed the Canadain navy to mass asw assets to attack and defend shipping on convoy.  I t was effective in part because the subs had to attack well defended convoys and that any air...
  11. Belce

    Remembrance Day parade tips

    I am a son of a WWII vetern and have had the rare privillage to attend quite a few Remembrance Day's with him and a host of other special days.  The ceremony itself is sombre, but the wake after can be quite fun.  They do very much enjoy an audience to tell their stories to and will apperciate...