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    Wanted- M203 vertical grip

    ... I hope you know I wasn't talking about a configuration that involved any sort of screwing of the rail system to the barrel!
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    Wanted- M203 vertical grip

    Given that there seems to be only the one company offering the M203 vertical grip and the fact that it is $300-$400, I was thinking: - can any one think of a way to secure a rail system to the bottom of the M203 barrel? My main concern with this is obviously stability/durability and that it may...
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    Wanted- M203 vertical grip

    Apparently they cost $300 from that site, which is why I'm on an internet forum's buy/sell area trying to buy a used one. But thanks for your useful suggestion; I never though of ordering one from the site of a link I posted  ::)
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    Wanted- M203 vertical grip

    I am looking to buy a M203 vertical grip, like the one found here, http://www.m203grip.com   
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    "Schizo-loyalism" Opinion piece on Dion's dual citizenship

    Edward Campbell, I didn't know it was the custom to put everything regarding a person in the same thread. Seems to make more sense to separate articles for ease of organization as opposed to having one super thread on the issue, especially in terms of the discussion that may follow. But if you...
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    "Schizo-loyalism" Opinion piece on Dion's dual citizenship

    Article found here: http://www.westernstandard.ca/website/index.cfm?page=article&article_id=2214 :cdn:
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    "Schizo-loyalism" Opinion piece on Dion's dual citizenship

    article found here: http://www.westernstandard.ca/website/index.cfm?page=article&article_id=2213 Interesting article. Makes one think about the responsibilities the citizens of this nation have or SHOULD have and if it is possible to fulfill these responsibilities to Canada and some other...
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    US Military Commanders in Afghanistan tell Gates to send more troops

    story found here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16666549/ BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan - Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that U.S. commanders in Afghanistan have recommended an increase in U.S. force levels, in part to deal with an expected upsurge in Taliban violence this year...
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    U.S. warns Taliban are planning spring offensive

    story found here: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070115/Taliban_offensive_070115/20070116?hub=CanadaAM U.S. warns Taliban are planning spring offensive Updated Tue. Jan. 16 2007 7:09 AM ET Canadian Press KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- There are growing warnings among U.S...
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    Suicide bomb kills two Canadian troops, civilian in Kandahar - 27 Nov 2006

    RIP Brothers :salute: :cdn: :salute:
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    Question on force generation for TF 1-08

    MikeH, Did you request that position in your memo, or did you just request a position number and that's what they gave you? I have also put my name down for tf 1-08, but given the fact that MikeH put in a memo and recieved a position number so quick, I wonder if I should be doing the same...
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    Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

    Did any one make it down to the memorial during the protest? I don’t know if the protesters went there or not. A buddy and I went there after our course and there was some kind of a Halloween event set up, so I don’t think the protesters had access. Anyway I was happy to read in the paper...
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    28 Oct 06: Day of Protest Against the CF (& Canadian war crimes against an occupied people)

    Interesting, a member of the canadian peace alliance was just interviewed on CBC (approx. 06:25 MT). He said that many Canadian soldiers support his organization and will be speaking at his events tomorrow.... I wonder if there is any truth to this. I guess we will find out tomorrow. :cdn:
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    Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

    med tech, see the following thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/50522.0.html :cdn:
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    Protesters display terrorist flag at Calgary war memorial

    All, As many of you know, this Saturday Oct. 28 is the "Day of Protest Against the CF" :rage: The protest is supposed to start at the Harry Hayes building downtown at noon. As we know, the last protest (the one discussed in this thread) did not start at the war memorial, but as the video...
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    "A typical Afghan mess ruins Canadians' day" From Thursday's Globe and Mail

    A typical Afghan mess ruins Canadians' day JANE ARMSTRONG From Thursday's Globe and Mail BAZAR-E-PANJWAI, AFGHANISTAN — The gunfight was in full swing when Canada's reconstruction team pulled into the village. A turbaned man with streaks of blood on his tunic wandered across the parking lot...
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    Sgt. Darcy Tedford and Pte. Blake Williamson Killed- 14 Oct 2006

    Step forward now my warrior You've born your burdens well Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets You've done your time in hell RIP Brothers :salute: :cdn: :salute:
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    Tpr. Mark Andrew Wilson - RCD - 07 Oct 06

    RIP Brother    :salute: :cdn: :salute:
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    Sgt. Craig Gillam, Cpl. Robert Mitchell, RCD - 03 Oct 2006

    RIP brothers  :salute: :cdn: :salute: