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  1. seaforth93

    Major Sprague Rejoins C Company

    This gentleman is a true leader.
  2. seaforth93

    Beer For The Boys!

    2 beers per man per day was instituted in Yugoslavia during roto 0 of Palladium. the charges soon followed. Beer in theater is not necessary. Anyone who can't wait the until their leave to have a beer needs to perhaps seek help for addiction. Sorry to rain on anyone's parade, but this is absurd...
  3. seaforth93

    It's Official - Valour Decorations have been announced

    Though the four won't consider themselves heroes (the real ones never do) I am proud of you folks and your exploits will be remembered as acts of selflessness and courage in a world lacking both. BZ
  4. seaforth93

    Unique Regimental Traditions

    The whistle is called a "rap" (sp?) whistle. It is the prerogative of leaders (NCO and Officers) within line infantry regiments to wear one on a lanyard over the left shoulder. It has nothing to do with battle honours and less to do with the artillery. It is simply for communications during...
  5. seaforth93

    Army Alphabet Game

    P = Polio
  6. seaforth93

    How Long Have You Served in the CF?

    1993-2002 re-enrolling at present.
  7. seaforth93

    drug testing

    Sorry to pick nits here, but the use of the term illegal when used to describe marijuana consumption is inaccurate. Consumption of marijuana is not a criminal code offence in Canada, the distribution and/ or possession is an offence. Within the code of service discipline  it is deemed a breach...
  8. seaforth93

    drug testing

    You agree to abide by a certain contract when you enroll in the CF which stipulates a ban on recreational drug use. You are subject to a variety of checks to ensure your compliance with your contractual obligations. A drug test should be no more irksome to a CF member than a PT test.  I was in...
  9. seaforth93

    I ♥ mortars (from: Combat Support Company?)

    On exchange with 1 Highrs mortar platoon in 1998
  10. seaforth93

    New Multi-Faith Chaplain Badges for the Canadian Forces

    Padre is spanish for father