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  1. artygirl

    Met Tech Info?

    Thanks a ton weatherdog.  I ended up getting those manuals from the MWO at the school.  But appriciate the link! One more question though.. lol After my BOQ how much time is there between that and gagetown?  I am curious as I own a house and will be taking it as a posting.  Just want to get...
  2. artygirl

    Met Tech Info?

    Well I just got the word from my career manager I am course loaded for the january course.  Nice to have a date.  Unfortunatly im posted to Shilo for the time being (service couple)  the unfortunate part really is the fact the whole Met section is deployed to afghanistan, so OJT is outa the...
  3. artygirl

    Civilian Instructors used in Combat arms

    uuuuh seen I was way off on that one!  Thanks for bringing that to light, I was a little worried
  4. artygirl

    Civilian Instructors used in Combat arms

    Not too sure how I feel about that... mixed emotions for sure.  Being an instructor, I feel as though the standard will be extremly hard to balance.  If they have a half and half mil/civ instructor cadre accross canada then whos to say whats right and whats wrong..... there will obviously be...
  5. artygirl

    Sailors to Wear CADPAT?

    hey guys... Army oppinion heading your way... no worries I totally agree with you guys!  I think it is for one; a great tradition to be recognised by your uniform in all elements.  I personally would have a **** fit if they told me I was going to wear a wedge hat or a pair of nicely ironed black...
  6. artygirl

    Instructor language at BMQ

    Im an instructor for Wester Area Training Center and WOW there is alot of weird ideas on here.  there are many of you who are right.  All I can say to this is, there are alot of old school guys putting in their 2 cents and honestly to you other folk those guys know what their talking about I...
  7. artygirl

    Turning Small Pack Into Ruck Sack On Course

    im gonna back up the others, I also tried it once and it friggin sucked...  way less stable.  seemed like the kit was all over the place and no support for your lower back.  best bet bring the ruck and use it. 
  8. artygirl

    The Passing of MBdr Glenn K. Styles 78 Fd Bty 20 RCA

    I knew glenn from Basic training, he was a good guy!! funny as heck.  We also did our 2I/C's course together in 04.  he smashed his face on one of our other friends heads left both his front teeth in his head.  good times, even though he is more dislexic then anyone I know he was an awsome study...
  9. artygirl

    7 years arty new to forum

    Hey all!!  Hows it going?  my names Nicole AKA MBdr Rossiter, just thought I would check this place out....  im an instructor at WATC det shilo fun fun. 