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  1. H

    Anyone on the April BOTC??

    Oh I'm sorry, all I wanted was for us who are going to get to know each other a bit better before leaving, so that when we get there team work will be that much easier for all of us, that we will all get along better, and that hopefully we will all become life long friends. But I absolutely...
  2. H

    Anyone on the April BOTC??

    Well it's getting down to the wire. Hope everyone is getting excited about it.  :D So for all of us going to the April 16 IAP, how about we get to know each other better? So state your name, age, where you're from, what course you're on, when you landing in Montreal (that is if you're flying...
  3. H

    Best form of Cardio while injured??

    Ha Ha Good luck with that.  If you're serious about being in the military, then you will have to keep up with the running. Otherwise, why even be in the military? You will be required to keep up a high level of fitness, which includes running. I hope you know what you're getting into.
  4. H

    Just Got the Offer!

    Hehe  Thanks, see ya there Chad  ;D
  5. H

    Anyone on the April BOTC??

    Yep, I'll be there too.  :)  Can't wait for it .....see you all there  :salute:
  6. H

    Just Got the Offer!

    OH MY GOODNESS!! I just got off the phone and I got my offer. LOG OFFICER :salute: :salute: I don't have all the details yet, but looks like I'll be going to the mid-April basic too.  ;D ;D He he I've never been this happy and excited in my life.  WOOHOOO!!!  ;D
  7. H

    Just Got the Offer!

    AWESOME Thain!!! Good things happen to those who wait!  ;D  Hope to see you there.  :salute: Anybody else joining him there on April 19th?
  8. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Why get rid of it when can put it in storage?
  9. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    You meant l'armee de terre nationale du Quebec?  :P  Close enough though  :)
  10. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    I might, I'm not sure right now, but hopefully everything works out perfectly and I'll be joining you guys there in January. As for the taxes bit, if you are so worried, then get a form now and study it a bit in case you've never done your taxes.  It's really easy if you follow the...
  11. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    umm a pic of mom and dad  ;D lol
  12. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    ha ha  is that code for us youngsters?  ;D
  13. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    I wouldn't mind being part of this "clique" myself, as I certainly don't want to be excluded. :)  I have been following up on this thread for a while and I hope I can join you guys for IAP in January. I'm in the same boat as ThainC here, I'm waiting for an offer from them. I will be calling...
  14. H

    Question About Joining (IMPORTANT!)

    First, I just want to say that I "highly" recommend that you finish high school first. You are young but in time you will come to realize that education is very important, even if you disagree now, or if you don't like it too much (been there personally) :) And to go back and finish it later on...
  15. H

    airport security ..laundry detergent = bomb scenario??

    It just seems to me to be common sense. Do not put any of those products in the carry on and you should be fine.
  16. H

    Is my math wrong on this one?

    :rofl:  That was absolutely hilarious. Haven't laughed so hard in a looooong time.  ;D
  17. H

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    That's very interesting to hear, as I am 23, and female :P  I sure hope there are a few girls my age there. I also applied in August and cross my fingers I'll be in St- Jean in January. I didn't make the Oct. 12 boards, so in about a month I'll hopefully find out. I applied for AEC (aerospace...
  18. H

    Direct Entry Officer

    It also depends on what MOC you applied to. I had to hand in my high school transcripts too as they needed to look at my math and science courses. I'm going for AEC. Here it is straight from the recruiting website: "To qualify for direct entry as an officer, you must have a university degree...
  19. H


    Jesso, here are my thoughts concerning your situation. The facts are that you are 19, have been together with this guy 6 months, and you don't trust him 100% because he betrayed your trust. The odds are not in favour of this relationship. But lets give you two another chance, since he's such a...
  20. H


    I absolutely agree with everything that has been posted by previous people. I'm a bit different than most people who have posted so far in that I'm the one who is joining up, and my boyfriend is the one who supports me 100%. Having his support means so much, especially when you hear something...