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  1. H

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Thank you for your advice guys.  Scott, yes I thought you were a military firefighter.  How does one get into oilfield/forest firefighting?  I imagine it's even tougher than getting onto a municipal department.  Sapper, thank you for the various resume padding tips.  I'm a little older than...
  2. H

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Thanks Scott.  I understand.  Things happen. So what is firefighting in the military like?  Have you guys been to sea yet? Are the shifts 24 hours like my city's f.d.? Here's a real dumb question...do firefighter pants have sewn-in knee pads or anything?  I imagine you guys would like having...
  3. H

    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Hey heatwave, thanks for your post.  I understand that it's more a matter of adapting to heights and that a fear is a fear.  I am afraid of snakes but I managed to hold a ball python last week, however, I am still afraid of snakes.  So I guess it is a case of adapting. The aerial ladder does...
  4. H

    2006 Census Deadline is *TODAY*

    As I said in the PM, thank you for the advice.  I do appreciate it.  However, I have been nothing but respectful with everyone on here until they were disrespectful towards me.  There was no need for "George" to falsely accuse (slander) me of being an anarchist, etc. just because I believe the...
  5. H

    2006 Census Deadline is *TODAY*

    Whatever dude.  I haven't painted anything but you are definitely painting a picture of yourself.  As someone I wish to avoid.  I'll let you know I don't take to well to people like you. Frankly, I don't like you.  So buzz off. :threat:
  6. H

    2006 Census Deadline is *TODAY*

    I guess we can paint you as a malcontent as well.  Not willing to listen to others' opinions without slandering them.  I don't know you from Adam yet you presume to know me because of a few of my posts.  Just because I believe in universal health care and think the Census is idiotic you are...
  7. H

    2006 Census Deadline is *TODAY*

    The Census IS useless as you said. The government already knows everything they are asking in the Census except for what religion you are and that's none of their business.  As a matter of fact, doing your taxes is useless as well (although I do them).  The government already knows all that...
  8. H

    False allegations from Iran: Jews to wear Insignia in public

    I can't believe the amount of posts defending this guy.  :o  Maybe these allegations are false but I would not be surprised if they are lying.  Iran IS an anti-Jewish nation; it is not too difficult to imagine that they would want to wipe Israel off of the map.  If anyone can't see a potentially...
  9. H

    Using military ranks at a Cub camp

    This sounds like a blast!  Almost wish I was young again and in your Cub group.  I do agree with the other person that said you have too many officers.  Maybe go with one major or captain, couple Lt's., and sergeants or something.  Hope you all have a great time.
  10. H

    Why Socialism can never die

    Sorry guys, the quote function sure doesn't work here the way I'm used to it. I'll go back and bold what I said in those posts.
  11. H

    Why Socialism can never die

    *yawn* I stopped reading at "Sigh". :salute:
  12. H

    Why Socialism can never die

    I see what you're saying.  I agree with some and the rest is something to think about.  About the bureaucrats arbitrarily killing us by putting us on a waiting list, I would agree with you on that.  That is what I was referring to when I conceded that our system has problems.  I believe...
  13. H


    On this I agree with you paracowboy. When I was in the reserves I believe we only did an 8 km march down the highway.  Fun fun.
  14. H

    Why Socialism can never die

    Well, I disagree with you on everything you said.  That's fine, I'm not going to get into a pissing match. I just disagree, that's all. As for the spell check, I had the word "of" spelled "fo" and it didn't catch it. I was under the impression that we were supposed to treat each other with...
  15. H


    Maybe so paracowboy.  But I still think a combat soldier should have to pass the BFT, otherwise they should get rid of it.
  16. H

    Why Socialism can never die

    I imagine I'll get used to it.  I was being sarcastic...you'll get used to it. ;) Health care is not part of the Right to Life?  Says you.  I say differently.  I have every right to demand you help me out and every obligation to help out anyone who needs my help.  It goes with being a Canadian...
  17. H


    Well, one of them were when you posted, no?  I think you missed my point.  Maybe you will get it now? Then again, maybe not. :rage: I was talking about COMBAT SOLDIERS!  If a COMBAT SOLDIER fails the BFT, what good is it for him to pass an express test?  If he's a COMBAT SOLDIER (which is what...
  18. H

    Why Socialism can never die

    Wouldn't health care fall under the category of the certain inalienable right to Life?  I would think it does.