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  1. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    I have no problem with Smiting Evil...that's great. The problem is that  EVIL is not always black and white- it's a grey area. Allot of what I see going on today is people saying stuff like 'you're with me or against me'. It's just not that simple. The Palestinians are a product of  their...
  2. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    Can't we all just get along. I just don't wanna be part of the Axis of Weasels. I honestly thought Canadians were smarter than this. I simply refuse to go along with the crap I see taking place in the world today. This is how I look at it........I have friends from China, Egypt, Britain, the...
  3. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    BTW I think that terrorism has only killed a few thousand Americans and a handful of Canadians who were in the twin towers- in North America. This was a once in a lifetime catastrophic event. We have a far greater threat to worry about... OBESITY!!!! ...it kills MANY thousands EVERY YEAR! I...
  4. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    Well okay, there's a third option. Everyone just gets tired of fighting and kisses and makes up. I like it. Lets run with that. Problem is that as long as Israel occupies any inch of that land, there will be Middle Eastern brand terrorism. It's a tough situation, because both sides are too...
  5. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    you answered your own question. France started it by displacing the locals. End of story.
  6. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    How far back do we wanna go here? should we give Europe back to Rome, Italy? It's all just so retarded. We, the governing peoples of Canada now own the country, how we got it doesnt matter at this point. No one alive now was there then so who cares. The Israelis are a modern concoction that...
  7. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    LOL. So it is written. There are old stories of nomadic Jews living there at one point- big deal. Up until the 1800s it was all arab and then the big influx of jewish folk happened after the war. How about we give Canada back to the Indians while we're at it eh? Let's not be hypocritical here.
  8. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    What about Algeria? You mean the terrorism from there? It's the same old same old. Some European country decides to supplant the locals and they don't like it- surprise surprise. How anyone can support the nuclear Israel is beyond me. "Hey guys, lets take a bunch of Jewish folks with no home...
  9. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    I didn't' know the creation of Israel in 1947 was a conspiracy? The muslims had owned that land for centuries. Only later on did the Jewish folk show up because of persecution elsewhere. Then of course they divided it up and everyone  got mad. End the madness, end Israel by moving it elsewhere.
  10. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    White supremacist? If I were that, I'd be all over the "WOT". I just don't believe in stealing peoples land. Don't come at me with the old "if you don't like Israel you're racist" crap. That's getting old.
  11. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    Terrorism as we know it, or as the US government likes to term it(one mans terrorist is an-others freedom fighter) stems from the creation of Israel. If Israel were suddenly moved, then the Arabs would be happy and throw a big party.
  12. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    Terrorism is a tactic. It's been around for centuries. I'd guess feudal Japan?
  13. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    Just because Canada doesn't fan the flames of terrorism, doesn't mean we condone it either. That family clearly has ties to a terrorist organization and should be exported back to Afghanistan. The kids just need counselling and foster parents or something- they've clearly been brainwashed.
  14. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    Australia/US/Britain are all seen as part of the same package these days. Canada, thanks to our former PM, is not. This is because we drew the line in the sand and said "Iraq is not a legitimate war". The terrorists, who claim to have poliitical motives, would be declaring themselves as pure...
  15. N

    MND O'Connor Says "No New Missions for now"

    Does it not scare some of you, that crazy people like UD, who clearly change depending on what's the "cool" thing to do at the moment, are the ones that decide to send you people to war? Can I ask this: if there were no civilian leadership, where would YOU GUYS send yourselves? OR...would you...
  16. N

    It could never happen here, could it?-Canada a Target?

    I don't think Canada will be attacked by terrorists. There's no challenge in attacking a country as open and free as ours. Also, we haven't done anything to bring it on ourselves. We generally don't run around attacking foreign countries for their resources either- like some others do. The other...