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  1. len173

    Wounded warrior: "Ottawa dropped ball on benefits"

    I'm a bit confused by the article and some of the posts. The article appears to say that there is no pension whatsoever, it's simply a cash payout and a boot out the door. But 'Dragones' post indicates that there is a lifetime pension + a lump sum payout. This has never been touched on at work...
  2. len173

    No Kit for BMQ start

    No big deal, it happens alot. It happened on my BMQ, and I have seen it happen to new recruits since. Just make sure you have PT gear, a shave kit, and some clothes for the day. Ask your COC about anything else you require. Don't stress over it, you'll be stressed enough . . .
  3. len173

    Education Requirements to become a MP or MPO

    Figured I'd add on to this thread rather than start a new one. I was considering a CT to reg force as an MP. I'm nearing completion of a degree in psychology, and am currently in Pres infantry. I'm wondering if they would accept me into that trade as a non-com with my education, given that for...
  4. len173

    Sept 2010 Contest: Design Your Bling

    Any word on the winner?
  5. len173

    Quotes #1394 and 1395

    Any word on the winner?
  6. len173

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    Very good plan. Everything is easier and less stressful when you are fit, especially on BMQ-Land and Infantry DP1. You don't wanna be the guy who asks the section commander to give his mortar to somebody else.
  7. len173

    Enroll Permanent Resident / Naturalized Citizen

    1. You must be a citizen 2. BMQ (basic) can be done on a part time basis, generally on weekends. It is four weeks, not ten. This depends on your unit and what courses are being run during the year. If you can't get on a weekend BMQ, which is usually done in fall/winter, then you will be...
  8. len173

    Sept 2010 Contest: Design Your Bling

    I threw a bunch of coin ideas up because I'm back from course and have NOTHING to do, lol. I also threw up a couple ideas for battle badges. they could all also be used for t-shirts, bumper stickers, or some other item design.
  9. len173

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    This is sort of what I was getting at. I'm wondering if there is some kind of monthly allowance for individuals who are permanently disabled (i.e. the loss of limbs) on top of the max payout. It just seems really screwed up that a troop could lose an arm or a leg, get a years salary payed out...
  10. len173

    Soldiers squander disability payouts

    So basically, if you are blown to pieces and are permanently disabled, you get a payout of 250k? What about the pension you would have earned after a 30yr career? Does this differ for reg and PRes? Is there anything else out there for these men and women, or is it just 'here is your money, have...
  11. len173

    How long is the Reserve BMQ?

    I wasn't contradicting your post. I was just answering the question with my own experience . . . And yes, it would have been 21 days, as the sunday of the last weekend was grad.
  12. len173

    How long is the Reserve BMQ?

    I just completed Reserve BMQ. It was 11 training weekends from 27NOV09-11APR10. Obviously there were weekends in that space of time that we did not train, and there was a break for xmas, so the time it spans overall will depend on each individual course. But yes, it's done on weekends, from...
  13. len173

    Best Type of RX Glasses for Shooting?

    You will wear the issued BEW with prescription inserts, on your BMQ.
  14. len173

    BMQ Weekend Dates in Manitoba?

    I am on weekend BMQ right now out west, and OWDU pretty much hit the nail on the head for timings. Good luck on your BMQ.  :salute:
  15. len173

    Winter warefare/survival ideas

    Is that course for pilots only? I've not heard much about this course before. Thanks.
  16. len173

    Cadets or Reserves?

    I've seen guys get into RMC without any military related, or cadet experience. If he's going to do one or the other, I'd tell him to go reserves so he actually has an idea of what being in the military is like, before going to RMC. Cadets won't do that IMO . . .
  17. len173

    Disrespectful facebook profile

    I really don't see it as disrespectful. Just because one person wouldn't choose to honor the fallen in such a manner, does not make it wrong, or disrespectful. People put memorials on facebook to fallen soldiers, police officers . . . etc. all the time.
  18. len173

    BMQ inspection requirements

    Dude, theres no need to worry about that right now. The standard will be given to you in St. Jean. Also, you ARE going to get jacked up during inspections. Don't get it into your head now that you can avoid it, because it's inevitable. Take it on the chin when you get there and give it your...
  19. len173

    How I lost everything dear to me

    It's fine to keep in touch with the unit, and be aware of your standing. Just don't let it cross over to harassing and annoying. I phoned here and there during my recruitment. My application took just under a year from start to finish, and spent several weeks in the hands of my unit, with no...
  20. len173

    How I lost everything dear to me

    If your file has been sent to your unit, then you will just have to play the waiting game. Maybe they aren't enrolling anyone until the new fiscal year,  because of all the budget problems. Maybe they are waiting on several more files to come, so they can enroll several at once. Either way, by...