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  1. AJC

    Whither the Royal Canadian Legion? Or RCL Withers?

    I hate to see the Legions close, but until we as a "organization" or "demographic" can get out of the dick measuring habit, things will never change. " Your service isn't as good as mine, or as hard, or as long etc etc" Thats the good thing about ANAF clubs, if you can find them mind you, they...
  2. AJC

    Whither the Royal Canadian Legion? Or RCL Withers?

    I was a Legion member for 12 years and played in the Branch pipe band for 20ish, but sent my card back in the mail. The Legions do it to themselves. My reasons: Dick measuring. Unless you were in the last one you don't count. Even the First War guys shunned the WW11 vets; I was at my branch in...
  3. AJC

    Lord Strathcona Horse Artillery?

    Upcoming amalgamation of the Direct and Indirect Fire Regts. 2 CMBG will be easier  RCD+RCHA= RCHA. :facepalm:
  4. AJC

    More "Army" in Army Cadets (combat training, etc.)

    Interesting topic, have heard it all from my nephew. Agree with a lot of comments out there, here's mine: 1. Comparing CIC officers to other CF officers is futile. They are not leading in TFA. They are entrusted with the cadet program and have the responsability to conduct safe trg for the kids...
  5. AJC

    UK terrorists told: Pretend to be gay

    All the time, or just Thursday Night?
  6. AJC

    Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation: 1PPCLI, 1RCR & 3R22eR

    Searched the DIN to try and see how many units that deployed got one of these citations, couldn't find a list. My bets are that by now most units, ships and air sqns, that have deployed have one: Or the other bizillion levels of commendation out there. Just like every staff officer and command...
  7. AJC

    Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation: 1PPCLI, 1RCR & 3R22eR

    Whatever happened to Battle Honours? Rather see that than more stinkin badges.
  8. AJC

    Five Canadians Killed Others Injured in Mexico Explosion

    I stayed at that resort a year ago for a wedding. Pretty secure on the entry side, lost of security staff. Beach was great, Mohitos were better, food was eatable. I would go back especially with Westjet. Having said that its Mexico. Lots of shady characters around downtown Playa del Carmen -...
  9. AJC

    Honours & Awards (merged)

    Should be an addition to section 5 of PER, right above promotion recommendation. Should say something like " Performed adequately in a position of authority"  The note should say " Click box for awarding MSM" Looks like a Medal for one of two criteria 1) awarding a mbr for stellar performance...
  10. AJC

    Base closures?

    WRT to old Armouries. Mewata for one has outlived its usefulness. Eons of bandaid wiring, structural limitations, inadequate parking, unsafe, unsecure etc etc. Ditch both Calgary Armouries and build something functional. The trick would be to put it somewhere accessable, maybe CFB Calgary...
  11. AJC

    Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

    I used to like how in the old days, when the Cyprus medal was the sign of a hardened veteren, that every one I talked to had been there in '74. The contingent must have been huge.
  12. AJC


    That only works if your boots, that were ordered 7 months prior, get in before embarkation leave.
  13. AJC

    Help: Offence of Impersonating an Officer?

    If we start turning in people for impersonating officers, our HQ's will empty out in a hurry.
  14. AJC

    National military physical-fitness test fails 1,000 people: report

    Vern's right, different tests, test different things. CF Expres is a good baseline of basic get off the couch fitness. The BFT complete does not test "walkability" It tests basic combat fitness as it is intended. As was discovered in the Balkans, some mbrs Reg/Res, outside of the Inf Bns were...
  15. AJC

    Cpl. Nathan Hornburg Killed in Afghanistan- 25 Sept/07

    My condolences to the family. The regiment will carry on, but won't ever forget him, he will always be part of us. Onward
  16. AJC

    Canada eyeing reservists to bolster force in Afghanistan

    Good question. I think that if the reserve force is to be a viable part of the CF it must be able to easily augment as well as provide the basis for mobilization. The requirement to augment Reg F units occur in most trades and certainly in Cbt Arms. Unless Reg F can stand on its own numbers...
  17. AJC

    Canada eyeing reservists to bolster force in Afghanistan

    Ex-RCAC 011 hit the issue on the nose as I see it. Equipment has to be on the armoury floor. When reserve armd units had Cougar on the floor, we had the same veh and equipment as the units we were augmenting. This is relevent for the other arms as well. We have to have the same basic equipment...
  18. AJC

    Senate Committee Report Excerpt: "Creating Real Reserves"

    Interesting comments and some of the same old comments. But I bit the end of my tongue off, must  comment: - Job protection is not as important to those in the militia as some would have us think. This spectre gets raised, in my opinion, by those that wouldn't go anyways. If it came to be...
  19. AJC

    Canadians killed at 'disproportionately' higher rate than NATO allies: report

    Homer Simpson said it best. "70% of statistics are made up," or words to that effect.
  20. AJC

    If the LAV's A'Rockin....

    One for One exchange?