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  1. C-2humper

    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    Sure we had crap equipment(my first FN was older than I was),were underfunded and unloved but the basic fighting Canadian is a product of his environment.The problems of today are the problems of yesteryear wearing new clothes,we had a bunch of ww2 vets come by for a dog and pony and they could...
  2. C-2humper

    Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

    Having been raised outside of Glasgow and being forced to fight whether I cared to or not,then emigrating into a different social environment,I found that a lot of what I had learned to be quite usefull as it had been natural and not drilled.I've been jumped twice,attacked with a knife and...
  3. C-2humper

    Bugle and Trumpet Bands

    Was in 3PPCLI corps of drums/tow platoon from start up until I escaped in'85 to 2PPCLI.Crazy days indeed,still have a pretty good photo of us marching out the front gate of workpoint,still got my jacket that I designed the crest for.