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  1. LB

    Blood clot

    Think it would disqualify you completely had you not yet joined?  Turned out mine WAS a clot after all: spontaneous upper extremity venal thrombosis.  Great fun. Anyway, I'm on blood thinners till February, then apparently "all will be well, you can go back to doing whatever you want." And I got...
  2. LB

    Blood clot

    Hmm, had my ultrasound today, and they said it wasn't a clot, which is naturally good news (I was getting fed up with the blood thinners after only a few days, and there are only so many more places in my stomach they can inject me). Which leads me to wonder what exactely would cause this... Ah...
  3. LB

    Blood clot

    But do you know if the Canadian forces would, in a general sense, disqualify someone with that kind of medical history? (especially recent medical history?)  Though I do appreciate your reassurance, I only learned about this today; tad stressful.
  4. LB

    Blood clot

    Hello folks, I figured I was on the verge of joining, tests and the like behind me, but I was told today that it's highly likely that I have, of all things, a blood clot in my upper right arm (thus accounting for the swelling of the past little while).  I've been started on blood thinners for...
  5. LB

    Trouble getting in contact with my recruiter (48th)

    Thanks a lot, I knew someone here'd be able to help. Here's to hoping that I can start the real road to joining the 48th soon.
  6. LB

    Trouble getting in contact with my recruiter (48th)

    Hi, I got back word that I passed the medical about a month and a half ago, and have been trying to get in contact with the recruiter down at the 48th Highlanders (Moss Park) since.  However, I've had no luck at all. I spoke with someone who wasn't a recruiter and said he was on course or...
  7. LB

    CFAT and POET

    Well, we have poets laureate, Army Poets would be based around a similar idea, just on a smaller scale.  And I like the idea of mess recitals, that's good.  Like something out of MASH, almost.
  8. LB

    CFAT and POET

    I was actually hoping against hope that there really WAS a position such as, say, Army Poet, for example, though I suspect that particular rank is more suited to marching with the primus pilus over the Canadian Forces. Though in retrospect, it was probably pretty dense of me to even think there...
  9. LB

    CFAT and POET

    You have no conception as to how disappointed I am right now.
  10. LB

    CFAT and POET

    I wrote in March, and it was surprisingly easy.  However, ignore this fact, look at it behind a veil of abject terror, and attempt to completely overcompensate for a weakness that most likely doesn't exist. I was terrified, studied a bit of math, and managed to get in the 98th percentile (they...
  11. LB

    Can I still make fall selection?

    Yeah, I passed the PT, CFAT, and the medical was the only thing left.  I'm still a little confused about what the "P.O.E.T." career option was on the sheet I got handed after the CFAT was...  As for security, I'm not sure if that's been passed or not, but it should be fine; I've been cleared for...
  12. LB

    Can I still make fall selection?

    I've got a similar question, actually. I FINALLY got the word back from the medical department that I'm medically fit for reserves/regular (after a good six month wait), however my original recruiter has since gotten a promotion (to which I'm sure he is deserving, I've always heard that the...
  13. LB

    Extra spots for summer BMQ because of heavy recruitment this year?

    Cripes, I suppose if the sports for 32 brigade are full, that means the 48th is full too (being part of 32 brigade, as far as I understand) I thought giving in my application in December would give me enough time to get into the army by the summer, but apparently not. For the record, is all...
  14. LB

    BMQ filled up for this summer?

    There was an article in the Star a few days ago citing comments by the auditor general about the inefficiency of the Canadian Forces' recruiting process. That said, while I've been waiting a long, long time, I've had a pretty good experience with the recruiters I've come across.  They've been...
  15. LB

    BMQ filled up for this summer?

    I started the whole process back in December, but while I passed my cfat, PT and Medical in March,thanks to "additional medical information" I'm still waiting.  It's driving me nuts (though that additional medical information was handed off to the medical officer about two weeks ago). I'm not...
  16. LB

    Request for additional medical information

    Hey, I got a letter back a while ago from the medical office asking for "additional information" about a type of sleeping medication I take called Melatonin.  I had a sleeping problem back in high school and while I can control my sleep no problem (staying up for long periods or sleeping very...
  17. LB

    Mountain Warfare specialization

    Ah, thanks a lot for the information, both of you (though I unfortunately didn't catch The_Canucks' post before he deleted it, just got back from an exam and dinner.) Sorry to ask again since I asked in the first post, but do you know anything about the required/recommended fitness level for...
  18. LB

    Mountain Warfare specialization

    Hi, I recently passed all my tests and'll likely be joining up quite soon.  I was told to take a look at some of the specialized training offered by my regiment, and the mountain warfare one looks quite interesting (from what I know about it, i.e. survival based, highly physical training with...
  19. LB

    Step Test Super Thread

    True.  I just don't want to destroy my running shoes or make them too wet to wear inside if I can find a gym. How fast is the step test music anyway?  I was doing something like it last night for about 5 minutes at a pretty fast pace, but it was just like 1234123412341234, like up and down and...
  20. LB

    Step Test Super Thread

    I wouldn't mind a copy myself.  I had to come back from residence for the christmas break, with no gym near-by and too much snow to run properly.  Having some way of getting decent cardio, even if it's just doing the step test on myself for 15 minutes twice a day, would be nice.