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  1. A

    Course PT

    You guys must be talking reserves, because when I did any and all my training the only time we didn't do PT was when we were in the field. I'm thinking since the courses are so short anyways maybe they need to cram more classes  and stuff in. But if you ask me PT is the most important thing, so...
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    Army Courses List

      Oh yeah, RMSS is fun because you have to hump all the kit 200m away from the vehicle and they love to set them up on high ground. Great kit though.  :salute:
  3. A

    Army Courses List

    I was unaware that the infantry ran Surv Op courses at all, I knew they used the T.I. and obviousley did Recce, but I didnt think they used RMSS or MMSS.
  4. A

    Army Courses List

    I want to point out an error in that list of courses, it has Coyote Surveillance Op down as an Infantry course but it is actually an Armoured course. As far as I know the infantry don't even use Coyotes at all, they use the LAV 3s.          ;)
  5. A

    Postpone the SQ?

    Not on the course I was on because there were people who fell out of every run and ruck march that we did and they passed the course. We had the express test but it was more to see what kind of shape people were in then a pass or a fail. Some people got around 15 mins on the 2.4 km run.
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    Postpone the SQ?

    I guess it is different at each base because we did all of our PT in the afternoon, and we played sports sometimes. Some of us had to sneak away to the gym so we didnt get out of shape. We did do a 13 km run, but all the other runs were between 6-8 kms. You do alot of trench digging during the...
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    Postpone the SQ?

    I did my SQ in Gagetown, and we never ran with the ruck, the majority of the people on course actually found it pretty easy. Don't listen to people in basic cause they like to hype it up. SQ is a fun course with some good weapons training, C6, C9, you throw 2 whole grenades, WOW! But we had...
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    notice before going to basic...

    I was also told on Jan 19th that I was to report to St. Jean no later than 1400 hours on Feb 19th. Why are some of you heading there on the 18th? Wondering if I should go earlier.
  9. A

    What is your military status?

    I am a Pte (R) Crewman, and happier than a Pig in Shit. Just got sworn in Feb 3rd, heading to St. Jean 19th Feb. 2 weeks of leave without pay and I'm there. :cdn:
  10. A

    Shortened recruiting times

    Thank you, that is sweet music to my ears. Sorry if you've been over it in other posts but the search function isn't all that specific. I appreciate your time.
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    Shortened recruiting times

    Therefore my file was still sent to go through some type of selection in Borden?
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    Shortened recruiting times

    Thanks, good to know. I Guess I could get a call any day then. Can you tell me what the process involves when they are hiring for Combat Arms? Do they do hiring on a regional or national basis?
  13. A

    I *will* get flamed, but it's worth it. - PT Test

    This is my little bit of advice seeing as how I'm in the same boat as alot of you. I have already completed all of my testing passing with out issue due to the fact that I prepared for it. If you are joining the CF, dont do it half assed and make time to train. I currently work a full time...
  14. A

    Shortened recruiting times

    Thanks for the reply, I qualified for almost every trade so I'm hoping I am high on that list. The MCC told me they still needed 233 for Armour and even higher for Infantry, my first and second choices. So my chances should be good. Does anyone know if your file goes through a selection board...
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    Shortened recruiting times

    Can someone please tell me if you are applying for Armour or Infantry do you need to go through the selection board process? I am getting conflicting info on this and would like to know because I am waiting for my file to go through Borden. Also what does it mean to be Merrit listed, and when...
  16. A

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    As a soldier, is running about 6-7 km and up five days week enough of a leg workout? Is weight training essential, and what types of leg routine are best suited for muscle endurance/strength? Any suggestions greatly appreciated, Thanks. :salute:
  17. A

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Thanks for the tips on leg training. By off days I meant days I dont run, usually Sat, Sun. What I am concerned about is over working the muscles, and preventing injury. Thanks guys. :blotto:
  18. A

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    I am a new Infantry reservist and have been training in cardio and strength for years, but I am never sure when the right time to work out legs is. By working out legs I mean with heavy weights. Is it best to do on the off days, or before or after a run? If anyone has any input on the subject I...
  19. A

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    I have searched the archives on BMQ training, but have not really found what I would like to know yet. Can anyone please fill me in on some specifics with regards to BMQ training for the reserves, more specificly the weekend BMQ. What time do you usually start PT in the morning? How long do you...