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  1. tomhynes

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    I found out today that Ill be going as a driver. I dont know whether Im actually going to be "playing" with the Regs, or if Im just there to support and drive someone around. Either way, I think Im ready.
  2. tomhynes

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    I was asked to join the BTE last week. Im a supply tech by trade in the reserves, so I really have no idea what to expect. They had no hard details about what I'd be doing, who I'd be integrated with etc...Does anyone have any info on any of this?
  3. tomhynes

    Ex PHOENIX RAM - Brigade Training Event 2005 (BTE 05) in Wainwright

    I was asked last week if I wanted to go to Wainwright for the month of October to take part in the Brigade Training Event thats taking place there. Thats the only information I was given though. Im a Sup Tech, does anyone know what the training for me would consist of? I also know it has...
  4. tomhynes

    Maintenance of rucksack

    Hey I was wondering what kind of methods you guys use to clean your rucksacks? We all know they get old and can smell pretty bad, is there some sort of secret way to get them relatively clean without destroying it?
  5. tomhynes

    Royal Marine Commando Units

    I was wondering if anyone has any information on thr Royal Marines such as unit strengths, how many troops they would deploy etc...Are they self-sustaining all that jazz. Im looking for facts and numbers, so Id appreciate anyones expertise. Thanks
  6. tomhynes

    Lt. General Romeo Dallaire - North Bay

    The cover of his book states he was a Lt General when he was medically released from the CF back in 1998. I don't think there were any demotions in his biography. Anyways that'd be awesome hearing what he'd have to say in person. I'm halfway through his book right now and I saw the History...
  7. tomhynes

    Should the CF be retain in its present form? (Split from MBT thread)

    I'll have to admit I didnt think about the future aspect of things. I've never totally supported getting rid of our tanks, like I said before I love seeing them and hearing about our Leos. At least when a few Canadians can read articles about our tanks going up against the US tanks in the CANAM...
  8. tomhynes

    Should the CF be retain in its present form? (Split from MBT thread)

    If the world was ever thrust into another world war (I use China only as a hypothetical example), you cant honestly say the US would gladly give up some of their transport planes so that Canada can also play along. Afghanistan was one thing, but if the shit ever did hit the fan and we're talking...
  9. tomhynes

    Should the CF be retain in its present form? (Split from MBT thread)

    But is it worth using up our valuable dollars just to keep a small fleet of tanks that are just going to keep needing more and more upgrades? I agree that we need a MBT, in my opinion every army that has any sort of structure should have them, but times are changing the need is getting smaller...
  10. tomhynes

    Should the CF be retain in its present form? (Split from MBT thread)

    But in todays ever changing world is the need for MBT's there? Canada is in the midst of making some huge decisions concerning our forces, and I honestly think they're really looking into it deep. Our military is in the public eye more and more, and the politicians know it and have accepted it...
  11. tomhynes

    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    I've read all the information on JTF2 that our government will allow the public to see, but they say nothing about the actual trades that are needed to support a unit. Like all units in the military, there must be a need for clerks,cooks,supply guys,mechanics etc...What sort of training do they...
  12. tomhynes

    Active Edge '04

    I also worked as a storesman for WSB during AE04, except Im a Supp Tech and I worked directly with 1 SVC BN and took part in most of the DP's and RP's. Many times it was a gong-show, to say the least. Me being a Pte didnt help much, but knowing that I could probably do a better job than most the...
  13. tomhynes

    Why do you do it?

    My first night was last Thursday actually, so I guess you could say Im one of the newest members of the CF. I joined for basically all the reasons DnA did, Im also in high school and I‘d rather be learning about defending my country than flipping burgers, like he stated. Not very many 17 year...