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  1. theSage

    Vancouver Regiments

    Fair enough thanks for the Heads up lunch meat.
  2. theSage

    Nuclear engineering and armed forces?

    I had a CO who rumor had it had a degree in Nuclear physicists or something.  He was infantry. Not really sure if there is a more specific army trade for nuclear anything
  3. theSage

    Vancouver Regiments

    I haven't post on this forum since 2004 for just before heading of to BMQ.  Anyway I was wondering if I could get opinions about the Regiments in the lower mainland of BC.  I was infantry but like the ubique fellows.  I hear the Seaforths eat their own,  I live closest the Royal westies and...
  4. theSage

    live from st. jean

    Well that post filled me with dread,  but Piper you put things more or less back into perspective.  I guess I am just going to have to find out tomorrow when I ship out to my BMQ,  I hope my SQ is serparte though I wanted to to go through both courses.  Well I guess I'll find out soon enough.
  5. theSage

    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    One of the things I remeber about barrie is the snow and all the places to going skiing.  I did mostly cross country, but theres are at least one or two downhill mountains.  If by some mircale we get leave before it gets to cold an snow some of the cross country place do mounain biking in the...
  6. theSage

    BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

    I can't wait, and its only (checks watch) 135.5 hours away there abouts... 
  7. theSage

    Leave Policy – Weekends (time off) Merged]

    Hey Brad if your in Fry's BMQ as am I and I used to live in barrie like 8 years ago.  I know where to find pretty much everything but the nudie bar, I remeber where the ROXX is I belive and at least one or two other sports bars, and of course the 2 movie theaters.  Beyond that thats a race...
  8. theSage

    BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

    ... yea ok,   now first thing you poked fun at me, then I said something to serious that was never meant to be taken serious and   I added a goofy emocon and that invitation so that you could also 'get in touch' to show that I really don't care.   So anyway you poked fun at my poor choice in...
  9. theSage

    BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

    I find that remark immature and comments like that aren't appreciated,  but if you want to come the more the merry  :dontpanic:
  10. theSage

    BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

    Excellent,  yes everything is going according to plan... And Rej I assume your in ottawa so we should get in touch I'll send you a PM.
  11. theSage

    BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

    So anyoneknow if the differnet course number, 0252 and 0253, we all seem to be in, is a reffernce to our training platoons? or maybe even sections?  Cause that's something I 'd like to know. and its only 17 daysnow...  man I can't wait
  12. theSage

    BMQ OCT3rd to DEC16th <-----Who's Attending?

    I am headed out to Borden for the Oct 3- Dec 16 BMQ,  I am in training cousre 0253.  I can't wait to get there,  send me a PM and we can talk on MSN. I get sworn in next friday here in Ottawa,  hope to see some of you there!  Man these 21 days arent going fast enough.