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Search results

  1. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    Thanks kincanuck,  you should be writing on the recruitment website...... ALOT of the plain and simple questions I have had are answered by you and this site rather than where I expected to find them on the official DND recruitment site. Am I hallucinating or are posts responding to me by EM...
  2. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    hmmm thanks for the info... I wave a great deal of network/systems/programming security experience how likely is it that a recruit is hired as skilled for 291? from the research I have tried to do (very secretive trade!) it seems to me unlikely that anyone who has not been in the trade before...
  3. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    KinCanucks..... this is a tough question i know but seeing as you are always a wealth of knowledge here goes anyways..... Do you know what qualifications are required to enter as a semi-skilled 291? or is it even possible for 291?  Cheers  :salute:
  4. S

    Int Op and Comm Research?

    It appears there are personnel from recruiting on here.... can anyone tell me how many (roughly) positions in COMM RSCH they are filling per year? I am looking to make an educated decision Cheers
  5. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    calling all comm rsch last thing I would like to know ( 4 now  ;D ) is how long did it take for you to get accepted from application to first posting?  Thanks for all the anwsers all!!  great forum and site Cheers
  6. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    WOW thanks EW!  That pretty much clinches it for me.  Until starting this thread I was just not finding any concrete answers about anything.  Your post and the links to additional information have helped me to make up my mind.  I will be applying for COMM RSCH.  :salute: Cheers  :cdn:
  7. S

    Questions regarding COM RESEARCH.

    Greetings, I have a University diploma and 10+ years experience as a Systems Admin, Systems Analyst, Network Admin, Network Analyst, Security Analyst, Programmer.  I am wondering about the possibilities of being hired as skilled or semi-skilled in the Com Research trade? I have been disuaded...
  8. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    Thanks that shakes out some of the uncertainty for me ... so typically what do com researchers fill there days with?  If I read your post right you suggest that Comm Research is the trade best fitting my qualifications (not SigOps, LCIS, ATIS, or NavyCom)  I do want to stick with something...
  9. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    That being said.... is the primary difference between NCM and Officer a hands on in the trade as opposed to management??  This is what it sounds like in the recruiting literature.  other than pay in your own words what is the distinction. I ask because I enjoy being hands on a little more than...
  10. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    I have a Computer Systems Operations and Management diploma (2 years) from Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops BC. It is directly transferable to 3rd year in a computer science degree. CEOTP is closed? and not plan to reopen?? that is unfortunate..... ???
  11. S

    com research, sig ops, or ceotp????

    Hello all, I am hoping to get some informed advice.... I currently have a university diploma and 10+ years or experience as a Network/Systems admin/Network Security Analyst/Systems Analyst/Programmer.  I am 32 years old and have a family, I make a really good wage running my own small...