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  1. C

    Do NCSE and MSE officer applicants still complete NOAB?

    They stopped NOAB for Engineers in FY 2010/11. I heard that they were conducting a telephonic interview with DMTE LCdr and I dont know if this has changed. This interview is of course seperate from the CFRC career interview. This interview used to be done on 3rd and 4th day of NOAB were they...
  2. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    Dont get me wrong here. My suggestion on sea sickness testing at an early stage was to make sure we dont put in efforts and money in a person who cannot even get up from the bunk and who goes on IV line every other day with shots of Gravol. The person no matter how much skilled, trained...
  3. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    Thank you mariomike for those links. I used "sea sickness" in the search function and could not find anything. Anyways yes I know that BPSO looks at your file for a land based occupation never going to sea. I had a talk with the doctor regarding the sea sickness testing and he indicated that...
  4. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    The Directing Staff: First, I started a new thread with an understanding that the topics are different. I am not seeking information on TRB but on sea sickness. Second, the very intent of this forum is to exchange useful information and not to play devil's advocate. Most of the replies I got...
  5. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    I used the search function to find the process that involves when a member is chronic sea sick. Following my previous thread on TRB and its decision, of course it's decided that I cannot train when I am chronic sea sick the moment ship starts sailing and hence I should cease training. Now there...
  6. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    I am not asking people to see through things. All I am wanting to know, is there a place I can seek clarifications and get my questions answered other than the CoC. Ok I want to stay in the CF but not in the current trade or RCN due to sea sickness and all issues originating from being sick all...
  7. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    The supervisor has not initiated any paper work for AR. Again the TRB decision has mentioned no further recommendations except cease training and coordinate with the CM and CoC. Hence if I request a VR, the CoC has agreed to proceed as VR vice any further AR action. Although not directly but...
  8. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    Sorry to say this but the CoC is not indicating what will their next step or recommendation with the TRB decision which is left open end with no further recommendation except that I should coordinate with the CoC for my next step and the supervisor not revealing any information of what the next...
  9. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    To clarify my previous post, I am not asking anything about the medical except mentioning that there is nothing on the PCAT other than chronic sea sickness. I am asking how the process will continue given the fact that I intend to release voluntarily to seek honourable discharge as compared to 5...
  10. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    So eventually got the decision on the TRB, the training authority concurs with the TRB recommendation of cease training. There are no further recommendations except that I should coordinate with the career manager and CoC for further steps. Now if I understand correctly based on the decision...
  11. C

    Changes to the PRes contracts

    I had an appointment with the doctor this morning and not going in details, he can take me off the TCAT if I am choosing to go the PRes route. Of course my CoC is aware of the TRB and still I was told I can ask for a VR and request to join the PRes. In fact this question was asked to my Career...
  12. C

    Changes to the PRes contracts

    Luckily my CoC is supportive of this option for me to transfer to PRes instead of me working for RegF. I think that will give me chance to be within the CF and work towards my studies and help me mature
  13. C

    Changes to the PRes contracts

    I am a RegF member and actively considering to CT to PRes Air Reserve. I do have a confirmation of a position in one of the Air Reserve units. I am not currently trade qualified and the position I am offered is also a training position. I had a talk with the unit training/recruitment...
  14. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    The first grievance I submitted was helped unofficially by a person I know. I have submitted a NOI that I am grieving the decision to hold TRB was against MEL. I am submitting a grievance on Monday. Now I havent heard back from the CO as in who my AO will be. But the reason I am looking for the...
  15. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    Yes I have requested but most likely I will pay for a military lawyer. He is going to cost me $1500 but its worth it since anyone who I talk to says the same thing, that they did not follow procedures but still trying to build a case is something other than just asking for your release.
  16. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    I got to see the draft of the recommendations. It was in line to what I already knew. The recommendation is cease training but it says that I dont possess qualities to be in CF. The second part of recommendation is very vague. Based on things that they say about qualities nowhere has that been...
  17. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    I said that coz the TRB chariman said that since I am untrained most likely I will be released as he says he has seen a lot of cases of release when untrained member is recommended cease training. One thing that I could not find answer at all is when a doctor writes a TCAT with MEL, who...
  18. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    Yes TRB can recommend release under 5(d) or 5(f). When a member is not fully trade qualifed, TRB can say cease training and recommend to MOSID reassignment or cease training and do not recommend reassignment. Thats the school's SOP AR happens when the second option is selected where the career...
  19. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    I checked the SOP on TRB from the school and no where does it mention that I should be shown a draft and given an opportunity to submit my presentation. The way TRB went my gut feeling is cease training and recommend a release under 5(d) or 5(f). I know this will trigger an AR at 2 different...
  20. C

    Training Review Board Recommendations

    Thank you very much for this insight that I never had before. I have started implementing changes to things I normally do to make sure that people around know my conviction for the CF. I will check the school's SOP WRT discipline for sure but the incidents that started making such a huge...