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  1. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    Excited Shawn... We both went in and applied together, did our CFAT same day/time, medical interview same day.. and both got the call to leave for the same day. And this Friday we get sworn in together. All I hope for now is that we both end up together in the same platoon so we can continue to...
  2. MonctonBuzz

    Alpha Company: Iraq Diary

    Has anyone caught this show on the Military channel yet? It pretty much is this guy following this platoon/company around as they do their rounds and check out markets etc etc. I've watched the last few episodes and have to say..real eye-opener....Not a big fan of how they are being portrayed...
  3. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    hehe.... no more torture...aww I don't want in now.... j/k...  yeah that is what everyone keeps telling me though... thick skin and good listening skills and I should be fine... but a little yelling never hurt anyone....
  4. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    Sundin hat trick.. nah he will be injured by then... and raycroft will choke...  Awesome Klc... I was hoping to get there for the 8th too..but the 15th is good...know a few people going then and a buddy of mine is too so...nice to know some peeps...but I am sure we will still meet up of course...
  5. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    hehe...well we are all going to stick together and kick fears a**....  just like Montreal will do to Toronto on Mar. 17th right Andrew..:P
  6. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    I say look forward......he is there to help and make us the best we can be...but a little fear never hurts anyone..hehe... only 37 days left..haha..yaaa..
  7. MonctonBuzz

    Getting there

    Figure I should updated this... I got the call..most prob know...and I leave Jan14th for basic in Saint-Jean... yaaa
  8. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    funny guys/gal seems like we are the only ones going to bmq on for the 15th...or that visit this site anyway.aha...I know one other that doesn't visit here..shame on him...but he received the call yesterday to go....he is pumped..so am I ..we went in together and hope to be stationed...
  9. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    Nice..I haven't been told what I will be yet...They asked and I told them ppcli and they said ok.. so cross fingers... Also Alberta and protege121 I added ya to msn so we can perhaps chat in case we are in the same platoon....no time like the present to get to know each other so we can all push...
  10. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    Awesome... we all infantry?
  11. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ January 15th - Saint-Jean

    I received my call today and was told I will be leaving Jan14th for Saint-Jean.. I am so excited about this and was curious if anyone else will be leaving for this date as well. Be nice to know other when I get there too.
  12. MonctonBuzz

    Getting there

    ****Updated**** Well I received a call today at approx 2:30ish pm... Was from a cpl at the recruiting office, one I have yet to speak with, and unfortunately I was out all day playing softball and working out. when I got home at around 8ish I listened to her msg she left. Sounds like it could...
  13. MonctonBuzz

    Question about Pay?

    thanks...I am so excited.... be nice to do something that has meaning and purpose.. rather then.."Thank you for calling what stupid question do you have today??" sorry....I hated my job..ha..loved who I worked with..hated what I was doing... but now...so excited.. be nice to have both...people...
  14. MonctonBuzz

    Question about Pay?

    worse... clientlogic....shiver...
  15. MonctonBuzz

    Question about Pay?

    no I understand where they are coming from..and I did tell them I was applying to the Army.. and they wished me luck..said to let them know how it goes blah blah.. then when they found out I got in, and apparently they thought I was just joking as another manager told me(good friend), but in the...
  16. MonctonBuzz

    Question about Pay?

  17. MonctonBuzz

    Question about Pay?

    Just a simple yes no question will suffice.. Do you start getting paid the day you are sworn in and sign your contract.. or the day you start your BMQ? Just curious because I am told I will be sworn in this Friday and when my work found out they let me go because, as they said, "I'm not a team...
  18. MonctonBuzz

    BMQ 8 Jan 2007 St Jean

    They told you all bmqs' were filled up for the classes b4 Christmas break?.  or just for what your going for.. because I was told to expect to leave either this Saturday or next Saturday at the latest for my bmq. I was actually speaking with my recruiter today and he asked where I would prefer...
  19. MonctonBuzz

    Getting there

    ***Updated*** thanks spud for the advice and help. Everything has been sorted out and according to my recruiter I should expect a call by tomorrow, Thursday at the latest...and that I shouldn't be surprised if I am leaving on Saturday... So I am getting very very excited now...and even more...
  20. MonctonBuzz

    Getting there

    well thought I would throw in an update here.. I passed my CFAT/Medical/Interview. my background check came in today... all they need is a letter saying I have made payment arrangements for my outstanding debts. so not so bad.. I have two who agreed to fax a letter to them for my file... but...