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  1. Lazarus**

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Yea, your right Albedo. Im just gonna focus on preparing for my CFAT and wait to see what the good doctor has to say.
  2. Lazarus**

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Well, I'm sure you know what I mean though. Like showing up the first day of class in school and letting the teacher know you cant do any of the homework for so and so excuse.
  3. Lazarus**

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Well, I got checked out by the doc yesterday and he believes that it could be the tendon slipping. I have to go get X-rays today to make sure everything is okay. And in the meantime he wrote me a note saying that some exercises should be modified to minimise stress on said tendon. That being...
  4. Lazarus**

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    I have made my appointment and am going to see the doctor tomorrow morning bright and early. I'll let you know how things go
  5. Lazarus**

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Hey everyone, its been a while since I posted on this thread. I'm currently on week 5/6 of this here pushup program and in my last post I was complaining about wrist pain..well, thats gone. It no longer bugs  me, but now I have a nother "problem". When I do my pushups and go from the down...
  6. Lazarus**

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    alls well that ends well  :)
  7. Lazarus**

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    Sorry if I offended you in any way. I really didnt mean to, its just how I feel on this subject...so that means I gotta learn how to keep my emotions separate then my words. Once again I apologize.
  8. Lazarus**

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    well, then excuse me for misinterpreting what you were trying to say. My mistake and I apologize. :salute: But what I really dont agree is to what you said about psychadelic or psychoactive substances not being addictive. One of my best friends, he started out with 2 pills every once in a blue...
  9. Lazarus**

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    I was referring to this little line you wrote.
  10. Lazarus**

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    I quit smoking after 3 years. I know its not alot like some other people who are lifers. But I "chose" to smoke and I did. And I also "chose" to stop and did. People do things wether it be 10 pills of X, or 3 tabs of LSD only to escape this reality, because they feel "held down" (take a look at...
  11. Lazarus**

    A little something for everyone to enjoy!

    saw this on facebook so I thought I'd share this with everyone here. Hope you enjoy! DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CIVILIAN FRIENDS AND MILITARY FRIENDS:: CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you're too busy to talk to them for a week. MILITARY FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after years, and will happily carry...
  12. Lazarus**

    Drug Addict sues dealer....and wins!

    Ha! that's the first time I've heard of anything like that. I've heard of people counter-suing and winning but this is unreal!
  13. Lazarus**

    Humour - Achmed the dead terrorist

  14. Lazarus**

    The German Name Generator

    Axel Shlager damn..that sound awesomely german to me lol ;D
  15. Lazarus**

    second thoughts...

    words that inspire me.... with the new year approaching in less then 24 hours I cant think of a better resolution for 2008.
  16. Lazarus**

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I checked out their website and it looks like they have their sh*t together  ;D that puts my mind at ease.
  17. Lazarus**

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    how will I know that the financial adviser wont try to screw me over? I'm not very proficient in financial matters, especially when they use their terms like fiscal year, and so on and so forth
  18. Lazarus**

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    I'm on week 3 right now and I can already see improvement.  ;D I still feel a slight discomfort on my left wrist when doing the pushups but its nothing to be concerned about. I'll let you know once I hit week 6 how it all goes.
  19. Lazarus**

    Regualr force retirement,AFTER an OT.(Reg force)

    Well, as I stated in another post, I'm joining for the long run. I know that I have to pay my dues as a private, just as everyone else does. And work my way up according to leadership, merit, and work ethic. I'll be researching all the links to put myself up to date with the policies, but if...
  20. Lazarus**

    Regualr force retirement,AFTER an OT.(Reg force)

    I too am wondering about what kind of benefits the CF offers to its members when its time to retire, or after the contract is finished. This is goin to sound absurd but my parents wont let me sign any papers until they know with certainty that I'm "going to be looked after" when retirement...