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Search results

  1. Sloaner

    Rifle Drill Peeve

    While the Sea Cadets have a manual for the Lee Enfield drill, do not think they are the only ones.  CATO 54-04 designates the Lee Enfield Drill in the Air cadet system and copies of the 1952 Drill pam for the Lee Enfield were distributed to army cadet units (at least in Central Region) a couple...
  2. Sloaner

    Pilot Training For CIC / PRes Officers volunteering with Air Cadets

    As stated there is no formal program in the works for CIC officers to get there wings within the program as it is not a requirement of the MOC.  However, I know from my years on the air side that several unit sponsoring bodies have "supported" officers getting their PPL if an advantage can be...
  3. Sloaner

    Drill with Rubber C7 at LHQ.

    If you're right Mr. Gill, I'm glad I'm on the happy side of the Ottawa river in Central.
  4. Sloaner

    Drill with Rubber C7 at LHQ.

    You should be able to request the rifles from your detachment/support unit for permanent or temporary loan.  I recognize that you are in Eastern Region and perhaps the situation is different there, but I've never had a problem getting rifles when requested through the detachments here in...
  5. Sloaner

    Canadian Source for MREs/IMPs?

    I know when we couldn't get IMP's through the system we used to get a civilian version of the MRE (slightly smaller than the military ones) from a company call MREDepot.  I think they still have a web site to order from but I haven't dealt with them in a couple years, try http://www.mredepot.ca...
  6. Sloaner

    LHQ Leadership

    Here are a few ideas that have worked for me in the past: Junior NCM's (Cpl, M/Cpl) - Assign specific administrative duties with clear performance targets (complete weekly phoning and report back 100% completion by date/time x) - Each NCM assigned small groups of cadets (section strength or...
  7. Sloaner


    Well a new Fitness Standard is in the work for the CIC, but I'd be more than happy to have this one applied to us as well.  It simple in its concept, and something that we may actually be required to do (well except the Trench Dig, not part of the cadet program at this point).  I say bring it on.
  8. Sloaner

    Arctic Tent instructions

    Lerch, I've got quite a few materials for use by cadets on setting up these tents and the other cold weather gear.  Let me know exactly what you may need and I can forward it to you by e-mail.  Developed these materials last year so its all current.  Shoot me a PM and I can get on it for you.
  9. Sloaner

    map modeling

    I carry a small ziploc bag of old tinker-toy sticks at different lengths and colours  with lminated blank business cards for identification of key points and resources.  Along with this I canrry a small square sheet I had made a couple years ago (5' x 5' white on one side green on the other). ...
  10. Sloaner

    CIC And PRes

    Good point, but the unions are a B*tch.  Civies tend to be a bit more expensive too if they are FTE's.  Contractors or terms, is possible, just depends on the nature and tenure of the work I guess.
  11. Sloaner

    CIC And PRes

    Perfect timing Kyle, I was about to PM you. I think the facts we all need to understand are these: -CIC are a non-operational trade -CIC officers CANNOT be immediately be called into active service -CIC officers DO NOT have the requisite TRAINING/QUALIFICATIONS to take on operational roles or...
  12. Sloaner

    CIC And PRes

    Neill is Bang on there.  Not to mention, the minimum Operational Standards are Be Physically Fit, Be Employable, Be Deployable.  While there are elements many of the CIC may need training on or re-training on, the conditions laid out in the DAOD's are pretty broad.  That being said, the...
  13. Sloaner

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    I never said he couldn't have it, I just think that we are not getting the message through to these cadets for any number of reasons that thier kit selections should be based on the acitvity they are doing, not the LCF.  I continue to harp on it with my cadets, and many are learning to select...
  14. Sloaner

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    When will our cadets learn that the most useful piece of kit is a hydration system with a little bit of load carriage capacity, the LCF stuff just doesn't cut it for practical use as a cadet.  MAYBE (and that's a big MAYBE) webbing or a modular system can be justified when out in the field for...
  15. Sloaner


    The issue with combining two elements in a single unit would be the fact that they are governed by different leagues.  The military side of the house could likely be accomodated easier, but dealing with the seperate leagues would be a particular concern.  You may be able to work with the local...
  16. Sloaner

    Cadet long service medal

    Any former cadet may apply for the medal from their respective element.  You will just have to get the CO of your old unit to complete the paperwork as they must verify the time spent in the CCM. 
  17. Sloaner


    Neil is correct in that you would be enrolled in the element of the unit you are working with, however the previous post from Yashiko indicates that you have to wear the uniform of the element with which you work which is incorrect.  If you are an enrolled Naval CIC officer and choose to work...
  18. Sloaner

    Cadet long service medal

    The rules being applied currently account for service in any other cadet organization prior to your 4th year.  Since when you hit your 4th year of service you were in the army uniform, you would apply for the Army Cadet Service medal, and your time in the air side will count toward your Service...
  19. Sloaner

    Cadet long service medal

    You would qualify for the Army Cadet long service medal as that was the uniform you were wearing when you crossed the threshold.  The CATOs indicate that you can only be awarded one Long service medal from any of the three elements, and subsequent bars. 
  20. Sloaner

    Wanted Older cp utility pouch

    What sized pouches are you looking for.  I have a couple of the medium/C-9 pouches from a pack I was given a few years ago that I never use.  PM me for more info/to discuss, you could even have the pack if need be (had the expanded cover).