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  1. sigtech

    crohn's and the military release or not ?

    around two years ago it was found out that I mite have Crohn's from that point on I have been on TCAT. Now two years have passed I have not been sick and I am still waiting to see what is going to happen. Anyone know how this works once a CAT goes to Ottawa ? Does anyone know of people with...
  2. sigtech

    Quitting Smoking

    Well tryed to quit and failed. I probally picked a bad time ( tryed to stop while on vacation) The Quit 4 life website looks really good I am going to try again very soon, I guess I just have to make sure I am ready ( god knows my wife isn't ready for my mood swings  ;D)
  3. sigtech

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    1)Is she your GirlFriend or Common law spouse? If she is your Grilfriend that it will take longer to get a PMQ and you will have to pay to move her to where ever you are located 2)How long is the wait? Depends on the base and the number of Q's they have open Now if you are just applying you...
  4. sigtech

    Quitting Smoking

    I am Quiting This Friday, I am going to try the inhaler. I did try Zyban but I went nuts , wide mood swings punched a hole in my wall for no reason. I hope the inhaler takes the edge off. I still find returning to work to be the my biggest down fall, for awhile you watch people going out for...
  5. sigtech

    15 Jan 06 Glyn Berry Killed, 3 Others Injured in Afghanistan

    Yes good to hear that you are on the mend . Gods speed
  6. sigtech

    33 CBG ICE issue in the works

    let's hope a buddy of mine went to the GM to get a new Jacket (ICE) because he blew the zipper out and he got sorry we only order them in as needed. Sad when a serving member can't even get a Jacket shrug let's hope the new goverment sends more money (I don't think I will hold my breath)
  7. sigtech

    33 CBG ICE issue in the works

    Just a little note about the Pres getting the ICE system, no not all reg units have it and we are still waiting on it. Now here is where it gets interesting. ICES will no longer be issued so therefore it isn't purchased anymore so if you need to get a new jacket and are still not entitled to it...
  8. sigtech

    15 Jan 06 Glyn Berry Killed, 3 Others Injured in Afghanistan

    RIP to the fallen and get well soon to the wounded  :salute:
  9. sigtech

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    We need to treat this scum bag kids like adults , but the problem is we send them away and all they get is smarter with better contacts. Couldn't we just shoot them on the spot and be done with it
  10. sigtech

    Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

    As with anything the best way to defend yourself is K.I.S.S Keep it simple stupid. Teach someone to do a long drawn out Kata then brake it down and teach them step by step by step , they get out on the street and will get killed, unless they have been training for years and years Teach someone...
  11. sigtech

    The Gagetown Thread- Merged

    Hey you never know when you get a dog , I have a black lab that can't swim, we fell into our pool one day and freaked........ sigh some dogs  ;D
  12. sigtech

    Stolen pipes from Fort York Armoury

    Man this makes me sick, there is no respect left with the youth of today towards our vets or the military. I wonder if the moron that stole realized what he was stealing
  13. sigtech

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    CFHA is removing segregation? Well not really yes you can live anywhere in Kingston if you can afford the high high rent , so some Q's have only Majors and above in them. Should there be some segregation yes I do believe the senior officers and NCO's (MWO and above) should have there own little...
  14. sigtech

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    The key is this what happens at home stays at home and what happens at work stays at work. Segregation had it place once apon a time i guess but if everyone can be proffisonals and not take work problems home , there is no need for it
  15. sigtech

    I'm a GrandPa.

    congrats If any man ever touchs my little girl ............... Anyways Congrats  ;D
  16. sigtech

    Nova Scotia Thread- Merged

    Kingston isn't segeregated, Segregation base on rank is a waste of time. What happens when you move off the base , I did and beside me is a Chief WO and a Major, opps guess I best sell my place and move  >:D
  17. sigtech

    supply system?

    exrigger if you had read everything that came before and including Gramps post you would understand , in this thread we were talking about the lack of kit in the supply system and how hard it is to get anything including laces , please keep your rude comments to yourself, I have known gramps for...
  18. sigtech

    Running: Training, Problems, Techniques, Questions, etc

    Ok I have just quite smoking after smoking for 16 years and boom I have found my cardeo has gone down hill big time, what is the normal turn around to get it back
  19. sigtech

    supply system?

    oh ya if gramps does that throw him a raw steak and a beer and he will be fine
  20. sigtech

    supply system?

    Ya I know what you mean mover , I had to go up the chain to so I can get them to repair my old Jacket. So we will see where this takes it. Man we need a influx of money is a big way, when troops can't even get a basic thing like a Jacket we are deffently in the middle of sad sad times