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  1. sigtech

    Close Quarter Combat (CQC) [Merged]

    Suprise is always a factor, the knockout punch is the one you don't see coming
  2. sigtech

    Informing Family and Friends

    1) Good on ya for choosing to serve people with a want and need to serve there country are becoming few and far between  :salute: 2) As for negative reaction, well there is always going to be negative reaction hell my father a WWII vet gets worried when he hears I am volunteering for every TAT...
  3. sigtech


    I don't know there is a Cpl Mike Cullen with the RCD in Pet RHQ guess I will have to e-mail skanks and see if that is the same Mike Cullen
  4. sigtech


    all I know about mike , he left PEIR as a WO and went to I think the RCD as a Cpl to drive POL around
  5. sigtech


    What about Mike Cullen
  6. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    opps Thanks for the corection Crantor ( There is a a reason I didn't go cleark  :rofl:) DeltaWhiskey save your loonies cus once you graduate you off to Ottawa. Then 4 - 5 years after ( This isn't a for sure this is roughly the normal lenght of a posting and this is changeing due to the need...
  7. sigtech

    Firefighters' fitness test ruled discriminatory

    Hey now let's retract the claws All and all most of us posting here agree in our own way. The PT test shouldn't be reduced or changed, one standard for the job and keep that standard high
  8. sigtech

    From Father to Son, Last Words to Live By

    WoW what can you say after reading that Quote from Sgt King Never be ashamed to cry. No man is too good to get on his knee and humble himself to God. Follow your heart and look for the strength of a woman. Wow RIP Sgt  :salute:
  9. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    np and remember if you can't find it here Google it  ;D
  10. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    All Trades have the same VIE Check the link it should answer all your questions http://www.dnd.ca/hr/cfpn/engraph/5_05/5_05_tos_e.asp
  11. sigtech

    Firefighters' fitness test ruled discriminatory

    I am sorry it was a asinine statement , I made a attempt at a little humour, at no time did I mean to offend. The statement comes from 8 years with the combat arms and working beside some super nice guys that not the smartest people in the world but would be the first person I would want to have...
  12. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    hmmmmmmmmm 1st most deployed trade I don't know Sigop I didn't think 291'ers deployed that much I know that sigops are deployed all the time and if you end up at JSR in kingston expect to be gone alot alot alot
  13. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    no worries , defensive is ok leads to good debate :salute:
  14. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    Hey now I didn't say it was all lies I am saying don't swallow it hole and expect it to be all true What the managing authorities write could be true in a perfect world but we are steering off topic I believe My main point is this as far as what I have seen and know to be truth is there are...
  15. sigtech

    Communicator Research

    ummmmmmm that is recruiting site isn't it . BTW they lie I put this out here how many guys from the RcR do people know that when they first got in were asked: Hey you like to go camping and hunting right? Sure do I love that stuff? Then you don't want to join the Air Force you want to join...
  16. sigtech

    Firefighters' fitness test ruled discriminatory

    Now come on Both have there uses.............. i.e. "never trust a skinny cook" huh huh and well I know there are alot of smart guys that are grunts but most of them leave and become techs leaving the guy that is strong like truck smart like stick........... The only thing is I want to adjust...
  17. sigtech


    Any one Ever see Jimmy Craig
  18. sigtech

    Firefighters' fitness test ruled discriminatory

    Those tests are there for a reason, what is next a beat cop with a Kain I would have loved to be a cop or a firefighter but my eye site wouldn't allow it, as a big boy/girl (PC), you learn to except there mite be jobs out there you are physically unable to do. I think we as a society are...
  19. sigtech

    Gagetown soldiers charged with drug trafficking

    Lighten up, sorry can't I have seen to many good men leave the forces when scum suckers like this stay around and foul up the forces as a whole. If you are going to serve , serve with pride and follow the rules Grumble Grumble #$%#3 munching #@$, @#$@, @#$@^ >:D
  20. sigtech

    Gagetown soldiers charged with drug trafficking

    For the love of God People like this should be sent to Club Ed for 2 years then stoned , then kicked out of the Military , then stoned again Did I mention they should be stoned ( Have rocks thrown at them not use the products they were selling  :threat:)