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Search results

  1. sigtech

    Belgian Beret

    Belgian beret is the way to go much more comfortable then the issued one. Also last time I got one issued it was huge so much materal it covered the my ear and look horable
  2. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    Great post Mark like I said my eyes were open when I signed on the line. i do what I have to, I mite not always agree with it but I still do what has to get done.
  3. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    Bad apples in every barrel huh, so here is the question for you, your told you are to go overseas and don't agree with the why do you go? I see both sides of the story and can deffently see why people are saying they want to know. now being called a bad apple because I chose to serve without...
  4. sigtech

    supply system?

    So the other day I am heading out to the field and I see a one of the bin-rats that told me I wasn't entitled to a small-pack wear one. I over hear him tell his buddy ya I had to grab one they are great for PT. isn't that lovly
  5. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    Being informed on what the job is and why we are there is to different things. Ya I want to know what I am suppose to be doing and why that needs to be done. Now Why are we there, how does this help a Soldeir be more effective. In my experance this usally leads to well that isn't a good reason...
  6. sigtech

    supply system?

    no worries mover1 and Roy take a chill, if you saw I also mentioned this was getting off topic long ago. If you want to discuss how things are run and who should be in charge here is a idea start you own thread. i hate when people on here get all bent out of shape like it is a personal attack on...
  7. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    wasn't vietnam a good example of asking the question why causeing issues with the troops. People drafted then started the question why am I here , why am i doing this? These questions led to deaths of troops due to the why askers failing to compleat the task given to them
  8. sigtech

    CADPAT Backpack where I Should get one

    wouldn't it be nice if we could just be issued the small pack system ohhhhhhh well the nuke bag is a great piece of kit I have had mine for 10 years now, spend the money and support breast cancer could cause good bag
  9. sigtech

    supply system?

    well this has gotten compleatly off topic!!!! This thread was to discuss how and why members can or can not get the correct kit and how someone can fix or try and fix the flawed system
  10. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    My job is not to ask the question why my job is but to do and die
  11. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    Why Afghanistan ? As a member of Canada's ararmedorces we are told to go. Will a full explanation allow us to do our job better? I believe if you want explanations get into politics and discuss the whys in the House, as a soldier we just do like we are told to, as our fathers/mothers and there...
  12. sigtech

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    Depending where you are PMQ's are not worth it, my morgage is only $150 more then my PMQ rent was and I am sure I will save that in heating costs. Ontop of that no mildew and mold spores coming from a crawl space. The PMQ's in Kingston are in horable shape and have no insilation in them at all...
  13. sigtech

    Military Singles

    Here is my low down 1) yes clubs and groups is the good place to meet someone much better then the bars. 2) on-line dating such as lavalife are becoming huge for people looking for more then a one night stand ie again better then the bars 3) now here is the big one stop looking if you go to...
  14. sigtech

    The lack of leadership

    This mite sound strange, but I believe the public are told to much. It is my belief that the media pass back to much information and in most situations end up causing undo stress to the wife's and children left behind here in Canada. Let soldiers do what soldiers do, without a constant media...
  15. sigtech

    What is your military status?

    Army signals reg Force , was Army Res Crewmen for 8 years
  16. sigtech

    supply system?

    wow these posts really take a life and direction of there own don't they
  17. sigtech

    supply system?

    I posted this not to bash sup techs but the system they work in....... Yes there are jerks in all trades and branchs I find there are sup techs that are great (mostly if there are at a unit not base side) you walk in and hey insert name here how are things what do you need? then there are jerks...
  18. sigtech

    supply system?

    So looks like the supply system is messed but is there anyway to fix it ? Also Mover you said your wife and friend are both SupTechs in Greenwood where you are posted , I doubt you have any troubles getting items issued if they have them. Is the Golden Rules of the CF to make 3 Friends 1 a...
  19. sigtech

    knives and the temptation of the edged weapon....

    CRKT and spyderco make some of the best folders around stong blades and the edges stay sharp for long periods of times. I have had my spyder for 10 years now and it is still going http://www.crkt.com/ http://spyderco.com/
  20. sigtech

    How do I apply for and/or replace military medals and decorations

    Thanks for the information all good and has got me started in the correct direction