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  1. D

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    Isn't that what one of the aftermarket guys did? I don't remember what the name of the company is (I'm sure one of the Gucci Gods here will) but it seems to me that at least one of the aftermarket rigs is the issue tac vest design fitted with a standard modular attachment system like MOLLE. DG
  2. D

    Canadian soldiers fatally shoot taxi driver

    You're not alone on this; I've had the same misgivings for an equally long time. But while related, it is a separate subject. New thread? DG
  3. D

    Canadian soldiers fatally shoot taxi driver

    Agreed. It's all well and good to make predictions based on cultural and historical tendencies, and those predictions, taken on a broad sense over a long period of time and with large numbers of people, may well prove accurate. But those predictions are much less good act predicting the...
  4. D

    Canadian soldiers fatally shoot taxi driver

    That's not how the concept of "wereguild" works. We here in the West are spoiled rotten by our super-high life expectancies and insanely effective medical care. We, as a society, value individual lives much higher than we have at any point in the past. Go back a couple of hundred years, and...
  5. D

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    That's a big part of it; the feedback loop between design/procurement and the guys on the ground is less effective than it could be. That's not new; it dates back bast Sam Hughes and the Ross Rifle all the way back to the Romans and beyond. What IS new is that troops can get their hands on...
  6. D

    "The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

    I like the issue boots. Once you get them broken in, they're like moccasins. It helps to put gel insoles in them too. And after a weekend splashing around in a swamp, I'm a big fan of the new cold/wet weather boots too. Three days up to my ankles in water and mud, and my feet were dry and warm...
  7. D

    Canadian soldiers fatally shoot taxi driver

    Well, I'm not entirely unsympathetic to this view: 1) From all accounts, the soldier involved correctly applied his ROE and did what he needed to do. (The investigation will confirm/deny this, but I'm working under an assumption of professional competence here and so will assume correct use of...
  8. D

    O'Connor in the news again

    Perhaps he means C1 mags? :D DG
  9. D

    Would you go to RMC. RRMC, or CMR

    Well I'll be a spotted owl - I did PFS the summer of 1990. Although in my case, I was one of the many who rode the ejection chair out of there. Landings. "Boost, check, Change, check, Rich, Hot, Both....." You know Martin Hickey? Bern Thorne? Bill Church? DG
  10. D

    RMC: Is it a university or college?

    That's the way it used to be..... DG
  11. D

    I know we've been asking for more advertising of the Canadian Forces...

    Jumpin' Jimminy Cricket on a stick, "radical" was getting a little dated when *I* was a teenager. What's next? "Hey, have you heard about the ace Canadian Forces? They're the cat's pyjamas!" ::) DG
  12. D

    9mm, Too old?

    Oi, there's a reason why Officer Cadets are kept squirreled away until they've hatched.... bbbb, a word of advice from someone who has travelled the road your feet are currently on: the proper posture for a young MilCol OCdt, when surrounded by people who have been wearing the uniform longer...
  13. D

    Would you go to RMC. RRMC, or CMR

    The Roads peacocks look best served on a bed of rice, perhaps with a nice side of carrots. Victoria is great - God bless the 6 Mile Pub - but there was no better place to be 17 and stupid than the corner of St Catherines and St Laurent on a Firday night. :D Hey Duey, when did you do PFS? DG
  14. D

    Trying to start a reserve unit

    Something that may prove useful to you might be to study the new armouries in Windsor, which was done a a joint project between the Reserves and the Windsor Police. There are lessons to be learned here from both the "do" and "don't" perspectives - some parts of this joint venture have been...
  15. D

    General Hillier needs a lesson in democracy a la Pike

    Me too. I'd prefer to keep those from "the other side" around, as long as they can behave like adults. I'd also like to see a lot less ad hominum attacks on such people from "our" side - and I use the word "our" very lightly, as "we" are far from a homogeneous body ourselves. Reasoned debate...
  16. D


    Ed, If one has a product they want to see sold in a CANEX, who do they have to talk to, and what is the process? DG
  17. D

    Girlfriend of a soldier needs opinions...

    Well, I truly am sorry to hear that. I tend to be optimistic about these situations, because I've been lucky enough to have been there and have it work out, and that colours my expectations of such things. But, truth be told, I've had my share of train wrecks too. Sadly, that's part of behing...
  18. D

    Question of the Hour

    Do you mean the bag carried by US Paratroopers? Or do you mean the #2 Mk1 Ammo sledge as issued on Sherman, Cromwell, and Churchill? BTW - 100th page! Do I get a prize or somthin'? DG
  19. D

    Profiles and Credibilty

    If you claim that you are the VCDS, that is easily checked. Whereas a blank profile cannot be verified. As far as I'm concerned, a blank profile is an admission of inexperience. DG
  20. D

    So what should we name the JSS, the LPD and the Icebreakers?

    How about stars? HMCS Polaris, HMCS Vega, HMCS Alpha Centauri, etc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_brightest_stars Pick stars from the northern sky, and you've got a nice tie-in with Canada and the north, and the stars have been ties to naval navigation for centuries. DG