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  1. D

    How to pack a rucksack

    FWIW, here's my usual loadout: But first, a few assumptions: 1) I assume that I will need to be able to move all my kit, unassisted, in one trip, for a short distance. That doesn't mean I have to be able hump everything for 20k, but it should be possible to carry everything for about a...
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    Replies to "Peace Making, not Peacekeeping is the order of the day"

    There is a third reason to have peacemakers in locations like Afghanistan. The major lesson of WW2 was the "the best way to ultimately defeat an enemy is to make him your friend". Europe, which had been a battleground almost continuously since the dawn of recorded history, is now fully at...
  3. D

    Altenative Ideas on "I see a Role for MGS"

    I don't think that's the intent of this thread; bash MGS. I hear that you think that there's a place for a LAV-based, large-gun, direct fire platform. The fact that you are in theatre (yes?) and so 1) can accurately assess LAV mobility in theatre conditions and 2) know the sort of fire support...
  4. D

    Hillier, Sr.Officials Muzzled by PMO

    Agreed. Cheers.  :) DG
  5. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    I can see the mess is going to get more exciting. ;) DG
  6. D

    Altenative Ideas on "I see a Role for MGS"

    How well did Cougar perform in theatre? Did any ever fire a main gun round in anger? Did any ever take enemy fire, and how well did it perform? What was the maintainence downtime/uptime ratio? Did it ever fail (or fail to undertake) a mission due to lack of mobility? Does MGS improve on any...
  7. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    From what I have seen, the lion's share of the outrage has been directed at the originators of the quote, not at the paper itself. And I stand by the statement that the paper did present a balanced tone to the article. They could have gone to better sources, but the ones they cited are in my...
  8. D

    Hillier, Sr.Officials Muzzled by PMO

    One might. Why do I insist on calling the "Conservatives" "Reform"? Because that is who they are at the core. The "Conservatives" are NOT the same people as the party of Joe Clark and Brian Mulroney (or even of the various provincial Conservative parties) and I think it is important to always...
  9. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    Oi, Gentlemen, just because a paper publishes stories that contains information that we don't agree with, don't like, is unfavourable, or generally unpleasant does NOT mean that the paper contains any sort of bias one way or the other. The paper's job is to report the news, no matter who or...
  10. D

    Hillier, Sr.Officials Muzzled by PMO

    So then - what makes you think that a Reform majority would suddenly push National Defense onto the list of priorities? DG
  11. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    Ah, it has been revised... (reads) Well... that's better than it was... But I don't agree with the statement re "factfinding". I don't think it is the job of the paper to refute the statements made by groups like WIB - and I note that the paper DID give space to people with opposite views in...
  12. D

    Hillier, Sr.Officials Muzzled by PMO

    Or maybe... the effectiveness of the Canadian Military is not one of the 5 major priorities for the Reform Party, and they want to silence the CDS to keep the state of the military off the public radar, lest he interfere with their agenda. I think it is very VERY important for those of us in...
  13. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    This is the Star's usual MO when dealing with a contentious subject: publish a story outlining the questionable behaviour of somebody, and then serve as an outlet for community outrage. They don't editorialize anywhere near as much as say, the Toronto Sun or the National Post do - instead, they...
  14. D

    Whats Wrong With Wanting to Join?

    There's an analogy that Col Grosseman (he of On Combat and On Killing) uses that I really like. It goes like this: Most of the people in the world are sheep - not in the "stupid, easily led, can't think for themselves" sense, but rather in the "will never harm another soul in their entire...
  15. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    I don't agree; in fact, I disagree rather strongly. The story here is NOT "Army Program is a Death Sentence" but rather "Army Program CALLED Death Sentence [by local peace group]" The Star didn't opine one way or the other on the program itself; instead, it concentrated on statements made by...
  16. D

    Responses to "Co-op program called death sentence"

    I actually think the response is way too hard on the Windsor Star itself. All they did was report what was said - and then every day since, there has been a slew of published editorials, letters to the editor, etc all SUPPORTING the military and the local regiments, which they have happily...
  17. D

    LAV III Mobile Gun System (MGS)

    Err... As much as I dislike the MGS, as much as I think we'd be better served with Rookiat (a better armoured car) and/or Leo2 (an actual tank, not a tank-wannabe) if the choice truly is "MGS or nothing" I'm in no hurry to see the Corps hand those off to the Infantry. If the Infantry are going...
  18. D

    Best E-mail of the Year!!

    This happened to me personally. I was in Prep Year CMR, 1987. A friend of mine was from Victoria, I was from Quesnel, and he knew someone who was a travel agent, so he arranged our flights home for Xmas vacation - American Airlines Dorval -> Chicago O'Hare -> Seattle SeaTac, and then AirBC...
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    Synthetic materials clothing now banned outside the wire in A'Stan

    Race car drivers have worn Nomex suits - with Nomex underwear - for 20 years. It's manditory. DG
  20. D

    2002 Friendly Fire Pilot Suing USAF

    The word isn't "flee" the word is "extend". Fighters move fast, right? So they have the ability to scoot out of harm's way, assess the situation, and then just as quickly, scoot back. If you read any book on fighter tactics, they are full of discussion on when in the fight to continue a...