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  1. D


    Feel free to shoot me a list too. DG
  2. D


    Crazy dude that had a habit of dropping his shorts and waggling Mr Happy at people. How about the Harper brothers? DG
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    How about Roussau? Wilson? Pete Edgar? DG
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    It's der killing joke. Anybody know what happened to RSM Hughes? Quinn 'n' Murph? Matt Wright? DG
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    I haven't heard from Paul in a while but Gramps is on this site. DG
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    Yeesh, talk about a litany from the past... I just heard from Errol MacEcheran the other day. He's back from Afghanistan, but he didn't say much more. DG
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    Ex Vigilant Guardian

    You're not the only old fart on here Mr. Cambell. :) The practice when I did my Phase 4 so many moons ago was 2 radios in the Tp Ldr's car - one for the Tp net, one for the Sqn net. (and I guess they still teach it that way) Not once have I *ever* seen that outside of the course environment...
  8. D

    Whole Iltis Purchase

    For roughly a grand and a half (depending on how sophisticated you want to get) you can covert the thing to EFI and toss the carb forever. Easier starting, no fuel slosh problems, no more flooding, better throttle response. The only challenge is adapting 12V EFI systems to the Iltis 24V...
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    Ex Vigilant Guardian

    Don't get me started on comms... Ah, what the hell - we need to get this info out to the people who make the descisions and control the purse strings. After having witnessed the Chinese fire drill that was the comms situation at Stalwart Guardian last year, and having fallen victim to various...
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    An officer should own his own sword. A good place to look are antique/militaria shows. There's a lot of crap out there, but sometimes you find something special. My sword is an 1899 pattern calvary sabre with stamps from the RCD and the Fort Garry Horse. It might have made it to the Boer War...
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    Ex Vigilant Guardian

    Aside from the sudden downpour on Sunday AM that caught my guys in the middle of helicopter loading/unloading practise and soaked us to the skin, overall, it was a great ex. Thursday, I had as good a day on the trace as I've ever had. Good training, everybody learned a lot, and the cock was...
  12. D

    OCdt's vs. Senior NCO's Qualifications

    Quag, The names of courses have changed over the years, and so has some of the content, but the rough cut of this should be the same. BOTC (drill and small party tasks) is effectively NCM Basic immediately followed by what used to be called JLC (Junior Leader's Course) which was the MCpl...
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    Ex Vigilant Guardian

    2 Tp Ldr, D Sqn, TF 31-06 We're doing the heli insert again this year - but this year I note that the sync matrix specifically states insertion AND EXTRACTION.... Hope springs eternal. DG
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    RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

    Hey, I met my wife that way.... DG
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    Army.ca and Wikipedia (to be deleted)

    It survived the AFD process, notwithstanding the tireless efforts of MD to get it delisted. Sometimes the good guys do win. DG
  16. D

    Looking for Rifle Sling input

    I got the Blue Force "Contractor Pack" convertable sling on Kevin's recommendation, and have been using it as a three point. I love it. The only downside is the constant ribbing about how much it costs. DG
  17. D

    FRS vs Mil Issue Radios

    No, it's much more than that - and I'm not talking about data either. The fundamental purpose behind the radio is to allow a commander to have influence on the battle over a larger distance than his immediate person. It is a personality and leadership extension device. A leader with the...
  18. D

    Would you go to RMC. RRMC, or CMR

    Yeah, I don't remember any rain to speak of. Now *cold* I remember. The wind could howl right along between the blocks, and the fag flaps on the asterkan weren't just for decoration. But rain? Nope. DG
  19. D

    FRS vs Mil Issue Radios

    Given the choice between not being able to talk to my troops, and stepping on the FRS frequency, that's a no-brainer. Don't want me to use the FRS? Then give me a damn radio that WORKS. DG
  20. D

    MGS/MMEV dead yet?

    Ditto on the Leo2. It has a much better fire control system than Abrams, and the conversion over from Leo1 is pretty straightforward. Abrams A1 is getting kinda dated, and Abrams A2 is too expensive for even the Yanks to build in quantity. DG