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  1. x-zipperhead

    Help Protect Free Speech

    What values would those be?
  2. x-zipperhead

    Help Protect Free Speech

    a_majoor, thanks for the example.  I didn't see it but I probably would have found it offensive.  Even as a Christian, still I just don't see it in the same light as the Muslim cartoons. If  Christians around the world voiced their objections only to have Rolling Stone and many more magazine's...
  3. x-zipperhead

    Help Protect Free Speech

    If not the courts then who should be interpreting the laws?  The fact that the courts are not elected IMO is a good thing.  They should be non-partisan.  You can start down a slippery slope when a government can interperet laws to suit political ends.  The Supreme Court should be able to hold a...
  4. x-zipperhead

    What makes a good pilot ?

    Too true.  Like I always say, if you can't take a joke........don't be one! ;D
  5. x-zipperhead

    Canada needs "The Plan"

    Very interesting.  Sounds good but a couple of questions come to mind.  Assuming that the $3000 for health insurance just covers  one individual's care and the grants kick in at age 21, then how do you pay for your children's health premiums?.....ahhh, I am starting to see the beauty in the plan...
  6. x-zipperhead

    Help Protect Free Speech

    For example?  I am not saying that that is not the case but as a Christian no examples jump to mind that really offended me. Quite possible.  I like to think, however, it has more to do with Canada being a moderate and tolerant country that holds respecting others beliefs and dignity higher...
  7. x-zipperhead

    Help Protect Free Speech

    Freedom of speech is all well and good.  Just because it is your "right" to say something doesn't make it right to say it.  My point is just that this is obviously highly offensive to a large portion of the muslim world so to run it is just inflammatory and dumb business practice which is why...
  8. x-zipperhead

    Help Protect Free Speech

    hope you don't mind if I wade in here with .02 Very true.  I think the real nut is the editor who decides to print the cartoons after already knowing the reaction of muslims around the world (IMHO).  If they were printing it to make a statement, that's certainly their right, just as it's this...
  9. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    On second thought a ZX perspective might send people running instead of attracting them. Just kidding Greenwood is pretty good!  You know you miss it!
  10. x-zipperhead

    What makes a good pilot ?

    Good hands and feet, communication skills, memory, air picture etc is all important.  I think an absolute requirement is a really cool pair of sunglasses and a gimmick callsign ( nickname ) ;D
  11. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Glad to hear you got something out of it. 10 doesn't sound like a huge turn out.  Just curious, how was it advertised?   It would be better I am sure if it was a little more well rounded with info on Aurora, different ground jobs, instructional duties, etc. in addition to Sea King stuff.  It is...
  12. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Good to hear it's happening.  If you go to it, leave a post and let us know how it went.  I agree with you about the benifits of it being remuster.  The problem is there just aren't enough applicants.  I'd be interested to hear what the attendance is like and what people's impressions were...
  13. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Just jealous of your ablities and good looks!.......NOT ;D
  14. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Not to suggest that the candidates we are getting now are low quality after all I was one a couple yrs ago so I'd be slamming myself..... and you too. ;D
  15. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Hey, buddy.  Yeah, I was the second youngest in terms of age and years of service on my course at 29 and 9 years in.  The average was around 13 or 14 years service and about age 33 or 34 . But then again as an AESOp aren't we supposed to be old and crusty? That's good to hear that they are...
  16. x-zipperhead

    AESOp ( MOC 081)

    Thought I'd wade in here with my 2 cents.  Being an AESOp in the MP/LRP community, like aesop081, I have heard lots of the debates for both sides of the issue ( re-muster vs. direct entry ) and there are pros and cons for both.  I personally lean towards keeping it a remuster trade if at all...
  17. x-zipperhead

    The Evil Mother Teresa

    I don't think I am ranting and raving nor am I trying to convince anyone of anything.  I think the position of someone who considers Mother Theresa evil or a crook speaks for itself. 
  18. x-zipperhead

    The Evil Mother Teresa

    My eyes are wide open.  What I see is disturbing.  Somebody looks up Mother Theresa  on the internet, reads a few paragraphs on wikipedia, glosses over the entire life's work of a great humanitarian and focuses on the critisms of a select few.  Who's next, Gandhi?  Albert Schweitzer? How...
  19. x-zipperhead

    The Evil Mother Teresa

    Okay so Mother theresa is to blame for keeping them poor?  All so she could maintain her " big business " of providing homes and hospices for the poor, the sick, and the dying.  Alrighty then. If you insist on slagging one of the greatest humanitarians of our time, perhaps you could share what...
  20. x-zipperhead

    The Evil Mother Teresa

    How about her life devoted to helping the poor,  winning the nobel peace prize and,...... oh yeah, she's saint.