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  1. Bigrex

    "MP's or Provost - An Idea on Roles" and "Replace base MP with RCMP"

    I was a base brat, who then signed up, so I've lived in Q's the majority of my life and MPs have always had a presence in the community. In Halifax, we now only have one PMQ area, Shearwater and I believe it is still patrolled by MPs, and before selling it off completely Wallace Heights was...
  2. Bigrex

    Media Bias [Merged]

    I've never said that the Liberals were great, or even honest, but just because one party had corrupt leaders in the past doesn't mean I'm going to blindly follow another party, which is what most of you guys are doing. If the conservatives break a promise, I say they broke a promise, you guys...
  3. Bigrex

    Media Bias [Merged]

    Any misdealing done by Mulroney is important because it sets the context of his character. If he acted inappropriately recently by lobbying current ministers and using political influence on behalf of a company that he was invested in, then it cannot be positively said that he wouldn't have...
  4. Bigrex

    Media Bias [Merged]

    The MND has also tried to tell Hillier how to do his job, and that is exactly what Lunn did as well, he told Keen what she was supposed to do, which was against the mandate set by her position and was fired when she, as the head of an arms length organization, refused to be politically...
  5. Bigrex

    Media Bias [Merged]

    Ok, if the reporter had no right to influence the questions by the opposition board member, then neither did the PMO, yet the Torie members not only used PMO written and approved questions, they used briefing notes to the media afterwards that were provided by the PMO as well. At least the...
  6. Bigrex

    Dinner with PM a waste of time: Williams

    So, what is Williams supposed to do? Bend over and take it from behind while smiling  like the NS premiere did? Harper and the Tories "equalization" payments will cost Nfld billions in revenue so he and every Newf deserves to be upset. It's like being a little kid and having your big brother...
  7. Bigrex

    Media Bias [Merged]

    You accuse me of wearing rose coloured glasses, ha, that is laughable. If the CBC was supporting the Cons, nobody would be saying a da*med thing, but because it raises questions about the honesty and competence of the Harper Government  you all want it scrapped. The CBC is paid for by public...
  8. Bigrex

    Media Bias [Merged]

    And people wonder why the Cons are considered a power hungry regime, they try to disband any organization that criticizes them, first it was the court challenges program that enabled less privileged persons to sue the government, then they wanted to abolish the Senate because the majority are...
  9. Bigrex

    Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

    I can personally attest that Peter Stoffer will call you directly if you give your phone number. I am in his constituency and have talked with him on the phone several times about Veterans issues. People may not like his party, but Peter is genuinely interested in the welfare of everyone who has...
  10. Bigrex

    Weird election slogans: Save the GST, vote Liberal

    "A GST reduction does help the lowest earners. Lower income Canadians spend a greater portion of their wages on taxable items, thereby recovering a greater portion of their wages through the GST savings." This statement is completely false, sounds like Torie propaganda to me,  but lowest...
  11. Bigrex

    Weird election slogans: Save the GST, vote Liberal

    Well people seem to forget a few facts when criticizing the Libs. 1. It was the Cons who brought in the GST, sure the Libs promised to cut it, but realized that income really helped when trying to fund social programs to help Canadians, and most Canadians don't really miss that little amount of...
  12. Bigrex

    Who the Hell do these guys think they are?

    I used totalitarianism because with Harper it's all or nothing, The government has to work WITH the opposition parties, especially in a minority government, in order to get anything done. If you force feed legislation, not allowing representation from the majority of Canadians to at least offer...
  13. Bigrex

    Who the Hell do these guys think they are?

    I apologize to you and the forum readers, but I cannot sit by and ignore a personal attack from someone who hasn't lived my life. The liberals didn't do much, but it is harder to spend the big money when you have a deficit, tough decisions have to be made, but the Tories have had multi billion...
  14. Bigrex

    Who the Hell do these guys think they are?

    Well for one thing, the Harper governing  technique is totalitarian. He has stated that the opposition has to accept everything he puts forward, no amendments, or he'll call an election, knowing full well that the Liberals are not ready for one. That is how they are bullies, they force their...
  15. Bigrex

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    The ombudsmen first released his findings in 2003, under the Liberals, but these things take time, and before you knew it we were going into elections. But since the Conservatives have been in power, they have unanimously voted against the Veterans First motion, and even though it passed, with...
  16. Bigrex

    SISIP LTD 2002 - 2018

    We didn't purchase the insurance, we were forced to take it, and pay into it for our entire careers, to pay us if injured, yet if someone who is severely injured near the end of their career, it is more than likely that SISIP will not pay them a single cent. As a disabled vet with 15 years...
  17. Bigrex

    Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

    Let me set the record straight, I have no problem with the collectors themselves, as long as they are doing it legitimately, my biggest issue is the people who sell those medals for a quick buck, treating them on equal or less status as trading cards, especially by those who do not have the...
  18. Bigrex

    Who the Hell do these guys think they are?

    If harper can go to an international meeting as the opposition leader and discuss what he would in the War on terror if he became PM, and nobody had a problem with that, then Dion has every right to go to Bali as the Opposition leader and state what he would do if he was elected the next PM in...
  19. Bigrex

    Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

    Well for one thing, any serious collector will have his collection insured, or at least cataloged for insurance purposes, I collect knives and swords and I have pictures and serial numbers of each ( or other identifiable markings), as like you said, they are an investment and people like to...
  20. Bigrex

    Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

    Simple really, a grandfather clause, as I'm sure every legit collector has some form of paperwork on current purchases, so if a someone approaches a collector after the bill comes into effect, and they are not the veteran or their family, and that person cannot provide proof of ownership, then...