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  1. pegged

    Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

    Good idea Gayson. I'd definately buy one of those, especially if it was supporting Army.ca.
  2. pegged

    Can anyone Help?

    I've heard of people buying them in Edmonton, anyone know where? I'm planning to go up there in a couple weeks.
  3. pegged

    Dress and deportment... continued

    Know where I can find a pic of that scott? Heh..
  4. pegged

    NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

    I know I posted the new ACU. It seems to me though that people are confused about what color they are using for the new ACU.
  5. pegged

    NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

    Here are a couple pics I saw. Now I'm really confused as to what they're using. The bluish one, or this? They're both from the same site. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/images/acu-pic01.jpg http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/images/acu-pic03.jpg...
  6. pegged

    Blast, Mushroom Cloud Reported in N. Korea

    From the CNN article: "Rammell asked that international diplomats be allowed to inspect the site, and the Foreign Office said North Korea has agreed to the request."
  7. pegged

    The only good Ilits is a dead Iltis

    uh oh, charges inc   :P
  8. pegged

    Reserve BIQ Course - Weekend edition - experience by others??

    I did my BMQ on a weekend course in the Mewata Armories in Calgary, and my SQ in Wainwright for a month. I know I'm just a Pte Recruit but I'll give you my input from a recruit's standpoint. Honestly, my BMQ was harder than my SQ. I found there was wayyyy more stress on the BMQ (Is that how...
  9. pegged


    Surplus stores often have used pairs of the issue boots.
  10. pegged

    CANFORGEN on proper wear of new Bush Cap

    "Your headlights are on..."
  11. pegged

    Active Edge '04

    I enjoyed Active Edge a lot. I finished my SQ in July and I'm sure that there aren't many opportunities to work with LAV's and Leo's. I also think it was good to do platoon and company sized attacks; I only did one platoon attack on my SQ. Now that I've slept in a mod tent, I can say I prefer...
  12. pegged

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    I'm glad this topic was brought up. Constantly on my SQ I was very very curious about a casualty amount during a section attack. The only justification I could come up with was that there is a possibility with the amount of fire going downrange, the enemy won't stick their head up. That's a...
  13. pegged

    From Pte to General, has it ever been done???

    During my SQ in July, we were on our field ex and digging some trenches. A Brigadier General was coming to visit our course, I don't know if it was to assess standards or what. He came up to myself, and another guy from my unit while we were filling sandbags and started talking to us. I remember...
  14. pegged

    How good is our training?

    It's kind of funny to run across posts on what the closest Armalite rifle is to a C7. I'm 17 at the moment but when I turn 18 I will be getting my FAC and purchasing a firearm, probably from Armalite. Interesting to see 7.62mm M16 style rifles, talk about beefy. Anyone have an idea on the price...
  15. pegged

    Mk III Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

    We did 12 hours of nav in the rain on our BMQ field ex. My boots were definately broken in for our grad parade  :mg:.
  16. pegged

    Kit arrives 3 days b4 summer BMQ -- HELP!

    If you're lucky like I was and it rained the entire field ex, you won't have to worry about breaking them in!! My boots felt great on our BMQ grad parade, haha. The field ex was great. Good luck on your BMQ!
  17. pegged

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    BMQ isn‘t difficult. SQ and BIQ, though, I‘m not going to say anything. I‘m on both of those for the entire summer, back to back in Wainwright.
  18. pegged

    Don't loot- Iraq Video

    He‘d have a Striker instead.. ;)
  19. pegged

    Who killed the Canadian Military?

    I posted this already, no problem though. http://army.ca/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/14/76
  20. pegged


    With the skatepark being right beside the armouries in Calgary, we get the skaters and other people always talking **** to us when we do drill in the parking lot. We also get the people that appreciate what we are doing, which is nice. Nothing thrown at us so far. Good job on keeping cool lol.