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LPC leadership race - 2025

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Should have known. And I'm not in the least bit surprised. Even Butts is involved.

Clinton, Podesta, Maxwell, Butts. Quite the Rogues Gallery.

I'd like to know how much Canadian taxpayer money flowed through Eurasia Group.

"Butts contributed to Carney’s campaign and works closely with Carney’s wife, Diana Fox Carney, a senior advisor at the Eurasia Group, a global consulting firm in Manhattan. Butts is also a senior advisor and vice chair at the company, according to its website.

Eurasia Group has benefited from numerous consulting contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with the Canadian government between 2015 and 2024 when Trudeau was prime minister, according to public records."

Justin Trudeau replacement, Canadian Liberal leader Mark Carney’s, deep ties to US Democrat bigwigs exposed​

The whole Carney coronation is starting to really stink. I hope Canadians learn of all the gaslighting, lies and shadow moves of these people who want to see our country on its knees, before the general election.
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Is there a saying if we get fooled a third time by a Trudeau tanking our finances and pitting Canadians against each other?

george bush GIF
O.T. Remember this gem from W:

"Too many OB/GYN’s aren’t able to practice their love with women all across the country."
As a red tory, former CPC member considering voting red
I'm genuinely curious why you would consider this.

Yes Trudeau is gone. The party hasn't changed. Do you think with Carney at the helm Liberal MPs will all of a sudden develop a conscience and stop milking taxpayers?

$400 million tax dollars given to Liberal friendly parties without regard to any rules of eligibility, conflict of interest, and without minister supervision?

Why give Liberal MPs a pass for the last 10 years?

Carney resurrected a disgraced MP who got caught lying multiple times to Canadians, including lying about conversations with the RCMP. Doesn't that concern you? Why give the Liberals another 4 years to repeat behavior from the last 10?
I'm genuinely curious why you would consider this.

Yes Trudeau is gone. The party hasn't changed. Do you think with Carney at the helm Liberal MPs will all of a sudden develop a conscience and stop milking taxpayers?

$400 million tax dollars given to Liberal friendly parties without regard to any rules of eligibility, conflict of interest, and without minister supervision?

Why give Liberal MPs a pass for the last 10 years?

Carney resurrected a disgraced MP who got caught lying multiple times to Canadians, including lying about conversations with the RCMP. Doesn't that concern you? Why give the Liberals another 4 years to repeat behavior from the last 10?
Like I said, the irony is incredibly frustrating.
Disclaimer: this is not an equivocation of Trump and Carney, it is an excercise in perspective.

More times than I can count over the last months, multiple posters have been quick to absolve the American electorate over selecting DJT as President. They empathize with the choice, seeing them as being (my words) stuck between a rock and a hard place, with the DNC choice of candidate being to blame for steering them back to Trump. It's their (the dems) fault, this all could have been avoided if they ran someone more to the centre, someone more serious. If only they chose someone to win rather than to take advantage of percieved weakness on the other side and push a more polarized agenda than the people actually want.

Over the past few weeks of polling reversal, I have seen a strong sentiment of lashing out at the stupidity of the Canadian electorate for considering going back to the LPC, epithets of "getting the government we deserve".

I haven't kept a spreadsheet, but my impression is that there has been a decent overlap between those posting A and those posting B.

As a red tory, former CPC member considering voting red for the first time in my life- the irony of that overlap frustrates the hell out of me.
No offence, that is one of the most nonsensical post I have ever read. Your acting like you have no control in it all. You do. Cast a vote.
Don't like Pierre? Vote Liberal
Don't trust Carney either? Vote NDP
Disgusted by Singh selling out? Vote PPC (ok, sorry, I just squirted my beer through my nose laughing so hard)
No way you ever vote PPC? Go Green, its a protest vote.
None of the above? I bet dollars to pesos, there will be independents, vote one.

There is a suitable option or at least one that most closely aligns with your values. Ever stop to think that everyone who does cast a vote (or doesn't at all) may make the difference in an election? If 1,000 or so people sit out or just vote a certain party because they don't feel they have a choice, thats self imposed electoral interference. And shows the moral weakness this nation has long slipped into.
That's frustrating but still consider another 4 years of the Liberals after their 10 year track record? Okay, cheers.
It'll be worse under carney than we ever thought possible under trudeau. Trudeau's puppet master and mentor has decided his protégé wasn't cutting it. Couldn't get it done. So he's decided to don the clown costume himself and take care of business.

He's likely to make the trade talks his main platform plank and continue his invasion scaremongering. He'll get nothing from Trump. Trump won't deal with any of us until he knows who's going to be in charge for the next four years.

I don’t know for sure about how trump'll receive carney, especially if his ties to the democrats are as strong as has been stated in the NYP article. It apppears trump hates democrats as much as he does trudeau and his crew.
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