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Canada to Spend $5.0Bil on AEW Aircraft

Please elaborate on what sensors you’re saying can assist with ice flow and pollution.
It is all in the Brochure... I would have thought people had read it about the GE capabilities
If you scroll down to the Domain Capabilities it clearly states some of its mixed capabilities .
AEW&C aircraft primarily use a big air search radar. Their role is to act as essentially airborne ATC (in a way) to direct fighters and other aircraft to targets.

As far as I know, no AEW&C aircraft have EO/IR cameras or anything similar because that’s not the role.
GlobalEye AEW&C | Saab
Its in the brochure page.
This is what makes the GE a suitable aircraft for Canada. It has more then one specific role.
Just so you don’t miss the irony of the above highlighted portion of your attempt to chastise me for a fragmented approach…May I present a graphical highlight of your earlier wideband multi-user cut-snip-rebut/challenge taking “just a piece of it [others’ quotes]” approach.

So which is it? Quote the entirety of another user’s post (which you espouse for others) or quote a focused, relevant and referenced/linked portion so that others may follow up if they don’t feel they have enough information/backgriund (which you…look below…use quite regularly)?

View attachment 86306

Point is when you only use part of a post to further a insulting tone towards a person. One should use the entire post. One can manipulate a post as they see fit. Especially when they use it to try and insult another person. The value is hilarious, along with the tone.
Point is when you only use part of a post to further an insulting tone towards a person. One should use the entire post. One can manipulate a post as they see fit. Especially when they use it to try and insult another person. The value is hilarious, along with the tone.
You seem to take great offense when people objectively point out a fault or issue with your post.
You seem to take great offense when people objectively point out a fault or issue with your post.
No great offense, it really is funny how certain people can attack and insult a person or use certain words in dialog yet not much happens. If it's the other way around one gets a warning or banned for a few days.
Over the past years I have had a more then a few PMs and contacted on other means from others who just read the forums now. They felt the forum was very one sided during discussions.

I like the discussion on this forum. Not much a fan of some of the personal insinuations and insults, but it is what it is especially on a public forum. As quickly as someone is to call out another person or attack them due to a difference of opinion or what not. I have to realize I know a few of you personally, I know others through contacts and many I have no clue who you are. Ultimately I would sit down and have a beer with anyone on this forum. Or spend the day at the range. Differences of opinions are good especially during a discussion. The little cheap shots can be very funny or a little annoying. I have to realize where many of them come from. The end of the day it's funny 😁 to read some of the attitudes and opinions.
Many of the institutionalized opinions are curious to read into. That is the Military as as a whole. We won't change and we won't look outside the box because we don't and never have.

Enjoy Canada Day.
It is really funny how certain people can continually make “authoritative” posts about things that they clearly know nothing about, yet not much happens…
It is all in the Brochure... I would have thought people had read it about the GE capabilities
If you scroll down to the Domain Capabilities it clearly states some of its mixed capabilities .

GlobalEye AEW&C | Saab
Its in the brochure page.
This is what makes the GE a suitable aircraft for Canada. It has more then one specific role.
Top life tip: Never, ever, ever, ever take a company’s glossy brochure at face value.
I love these threads. Some people have spent years working, living, and breathing the development and acquisition of new aircraft for RCAF, and it shows. Some have decidedly not, and it also shows.
Top life tip: Never, ever, ever, ever take a company’s glossy brochure at face value.
It has air search radar, it has ground search radar, it has the camera, it has IR sensors along with a few of the other sensors for radio, gp, and listening devices we require just on other platforms.
Apparently the systems work as a few more orders have gone in for their system.
The Wedgetail is having some issues also. Nothing is perfect. It wouldn't be bad having a plane that supports some Direct Canadian business.
I love these threads. Some people have spent years working, living, and breathing the development and acquisition of new aircraft for RCAF, and it shows. Some have decidedly not, and it also shows.
"But I read the brochure!"
I love these threads. Some people have spent years working, living, and breathing the development and acquisition of new aircraft for RCAF, and it shows. Some have decidedly not, and it also shows.
Some have friends in high places.
Other have friends in low places.
I did have friends involved in the Canadian Drone program both fixed wing, rotary and ground.
When asked how things were going they were stumped over simple things. Which seem insignificant but are major factors.
I have friends in the Canadian Ship Building programs on the government side, builder side and worker side. Interesting perspectives have come out from all four sides.
I know some valued colleagues in the Fighter replacement program.
Also some who were involved in the latest helicopter acquisition.
Some of their questions and solutions were interesting. Some of their thought processes were very robotic and very institutionalized/ politically driven. Some were absolutely forward thinking. But most of those forward thinking were pushed aside for political reasons.
It has air search radar, it has ground search radar, it has the camera, it has IR sensors along with a few of the other sensors for radio, gp, and listening devices we require just on other platforms.
Apparently the systems work as a few more orders have gone in for their system.
The more important part is who ordered them.

The only current customer is the UAE. That being said, those folks buy literally anything and their procurement process is seemingly the Sheikh looking at a brochure and saying “this looks great!” The other one is Sweden, which is pretty obvious since Saab is a Swedish company.

The Wedgetail is having some issues also. Nothing is perfect. It wouldn't be bad having a plane that supports some Direct Canadian business.
Absolutely. However, Boeing also has a big Canadian footprint, so it’s not a completely foreign company.
either is probably a good addition from this uneducated civilian. I would appreciate a better breakdown on the pros and cons of both. It strikes me like in all these procurement additions that the bigger problem remains the people in and behind the machine
The more important part is who ordered them.
Poland being the latest customers,
UaE, Sweden, Greece, Brazil, Thailand,Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan have all ordered the sensors systems.

From my understanding the sensor suit is adaptable for installation on other aircraft. One of which is the dash 8 series aircraft. Limits range and things but gives options.
The only current customer is the UAE. That being said, those folks buy literally anything and their procurement process is seemingly the Sheikh looking at a brochure and saying “this looks great!” The other one is Sweden, which is pretty obvious since Saab is a Swedish company.
The UAE has looked at smaller systems and a variety of platforms then what the US is offering. Not wanting to lay all their eggs in one basket. That goes for defense to their oil field.
Absolutely. However, Boeing also has a big Canadian footprint, so it’s not a completely foreign company.
Boeing has a much larger foot print in Canada then most realize.
either is probably a good addition from this uneducated civilian. I would appreciate a better breakdown on the pros and cons of both. It strikes me like in all these procurement additions that the bigger problem remains the people in and behind the machine
I actually wonder if we are capable of operating a system like the Wedgetail or GE to their fullest extent. We have never done so on that level on our own.