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First woman commander of Canada’s Reserve Force?


Army.ca Veteran
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First woman commander of Canada’s Reserve Force meets with P.E.I. Business Women’s Association


Not to belittle her accomplishment(s), but I'm pretty sure Read Admiral Bennett was the first female head of the reserves. First she was head of the naval reserves as a commodore, then she was promoted to rear admiral and appointed "chief of reserves and cadets". Or is my memory misleading me?
I'm certain you are correct Lumber.
I think they are referring to this line in the article "In 2017, Robidoux became the first woman promoted to Brigadier General of the Canadian Army Reserves."

Just my guess.
Neither commands or commanded the Reserves.  They are staff positions in the VCDS, not command positions.

RAdm Bennett as C Res & Cdts.  Today, that position has been split into to.  BGen Robidoux works for one of the two successors (the current C Res) as DG Res.

Correct Lumber. She was from Thunder Bay, ON at that time. A very nice person.
dapaterson said:
Neither commands or commanded the Reserves.  They are staff positions in the VCDS, not command positions.

RAdm Bennett as C Res & Cdts.  Today, that position has been split into to.  BGen Robidoux works for one of the two successors (the current C Res) as DG Res.

I am not sure I understand your point, RAdm Bennett commanded the Naval Reserves from 2007 to 2011.  Is Commander Naval Reserves not a reserve component command position ? 
Speaking of the positions within CRes and Cdts, not within L1s.  That said, only the RCN has (had?) a separate chain of command for the Reserves.
dapaterson said:
Speaking of the positions within CRes and Cdts, not within L1s.  That said, only the RCN has (had?) a separate chain of command for the Reserves.

Had, the Reserves now report to MARPAC.
Rifleman62 said:
Correct Lumber. She was from Thunder Bay, ON at that time. A very nice person.
Good officer served under her as a LT(N) back in 85-86 in Victoria. Then 30 years later as an Rear Admrail. Funny thing is she remembered me an was still willing to not send me to the brig.
dapaterson said:
BGen Robidoux works for one of the two successors (the current C Res) as DG Res.
  More correctly, DG Reserves and Employer Support.

I worked for (then) Col Robidoux as a CWO when she was D Res and RAdm Bennett was C Res & Cdts.  Now that DG Res and DG Cadets & JCR have arisen, I'm not really sure what D Res does anymore.
Haggis said:
  More correctly, DG Reserves and Employer Support.

I worked for (then) Col Robidoux as a CWO when she was D Res and RAdm Bennett was C Res & Cdts.  Now that DG Res and DG Cadets & JCR have arisen, I'm not really sure what D Res does anymore.

I haven't seen the TORs since the change but I expect that the change for DRes would be minimal. The primary responsibility of C Res & Cdts; DGRC and DRes prior to the change was principally reserves with a minor emphasis on cadets and employer support. Slicing cadets off into it's own organization makes sense although I'm not sure it needs a BGen (I know, I know, there are some 50k cadets etc and they are a very valuable recruit resource.  :nod:)

PS. I wasted a tremendous amount of time searching DND websites to find out who Commander National Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group reports to before I found on Wikipedia that it's directly to the VCDS. Is it just me or are the Internet side DND and CF websites getting less and less informative and useful by the minute?  :dunno:

FJAG said:
PS. I wasted a tremendous amount of time searching DND websites to find out who Commander National Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group reports to before I found on Wikipedia that it's directly to the VCDS. Is it just me or are the Internet side DND and CF websites getting less and less informative and useful by the minute?  :dunno:

Webmasters can't keep up with how many new GOFOs we're creating every year.
PuckChaser said:
Webmasters can't keep up with how many new GOFOs we're creating every year.

Then we should replace them with five lines of <insert scripting language here>, because they're worse than useless.