's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

The first and most important rule to to use our entire forces with the utmost energy. The second rule is to concentrate our power as much as possible against that section where the chief blows are to be delivered and to incur disadvantages elsewhere, so that our chances of success may increase at the decisive point. The third rule is never to waste time. Unless important advantages are to be gained from hesitation, it is necessary to set to work at once. By this speed a hundred enemy measures are nipped in the bud, and public opinion is won most rapidly. Finally, the fourth rule is to follow up our successes with the utmost energy. Only pursuit of the beaten enemy gives the fruits of victory.

- Karl von Clausewitz

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Military Word Of The Day
Regional Departmental Accounting Office

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Today in Military History

July 3


Stromont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders: Dileas Gu Bas (Faithful unto death)


The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment: Inter Pericula Intrepedi (Fearless in the face of danger)


The Royal Regina Rifles: Celler et Audax (Swift and bold)


The Saskatchewan Dragoons: Esprit d'Initiative


The South Alberta Light Horse: Semper Alacer


Stalin orders "scorched earth" policy


Operation Thunderbolt - the Israel Defence Force raid on Entebbe to liberate hi-jack hostages

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