's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

When issuing orders, the formation commander must pay special attention to the clear and concise formulation of the broad missions of formations and units, and to bringing out the underlying idea of the plan he decided on ... The art of drawing up orders calls for skill in putting the concept of the operation vividly and lucidly in a few words.

- Red Army's New Field Service Regulations, 1936

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Military Word Of The Day
Territorial Battalion Group

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Today in Military History

October 1


The Yukon field force reaches Dawson City


ANCRE HEIGHTS, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 11 Nov 1916)


VC won by Lt Milton Fowler Gregg, The Royal Canadian Regiment, Near Cambrai, France


VC won by Sgt William Merrifield, MM, 4th Battalion, CEF, Abancourt, France


MOTTA MONTECORVINO, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 3 Oct 43)


THE SCHELDT, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 8 Nov 44)

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