's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Gen[era]l Boyd with 2500 men was ordered to disperse the pursuing army which Gen[era]l Wilkinson estimated at 900 men. Wilkinson with the raiders prepared to decend (sic) the Long Sault. Gen[era]l Boyd found the British drawn up in order of battle & the engagement lasted with obstinancy (sic) upon both sides for three hours & an half. When our troops gave way and retreated, our loss is stated by the officers to be 500 killed, wounded & missing.

- Nathan Ford (1813)

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Today in Military History

June 24


Lord Kichener born


Captain L.S.T. Halliday, Royal Marine Light Infantry, awarded the Victoria Cross, Peking


VC won by Flight Lieut. David Ernest Hornell, Royal Canadian Air Force, Shetland Islands (posthumous)

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