
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Results of search for February 18 :
1900: Battle of Paardeburn begins, Boer war
1915: German submarine blockade of Britain begins
1944: HMC Ships ATHABASKAN, HAIDA & HURON join in Operation Neptune, the Naval Phase of Operation Overlord
1945: Canadians attack German defenders in Moyland Wood. Using self-propelled flame-throwers ("Wasps"), they gain a foothold in the forest, but advance no further.
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February 18
1900: Battle of Paardeburn begins, Boer war
1915: German submarine blockade of Britain begins
1944: HMC Ships ATHABASKAN, HAIDA & HURON join in Operation Neptune, the Naval Phase of Operation Overlord
1945: Canadians attack German defenders in Moyland Wood. Using self-propelled flame-throwers ("Wasps"), they gain a foothold in the forest, but advance no further.
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