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Wonder why Canadians are Confused...try this for Sensationalism


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Afghanistan 'like a human abattoir'  
Allan Woods, CanWest News Service Published: Saturday, October 14, 2006

OTTAWA -- Canadian troops pelted with rocks by hostile Afghans, French soldiers disemboweled by Taliban fighters, and paratroopers soiling themselves at the thought of facing fierce enemy fire.

Increasingly, these are the accounts that are emerging from southern Afghanistan and they are not coming through official channels, nor through the newspaper reports and television broadcasts of the Canadian, British and U.S. forces who fight under the NATO banner in the war-torn country.

Those reports are governed by a contract that restricts the movements of journalists and the types of information that can be reported from Afghanistan. Unlike the official accounts, those from soldiers are the descriptions that the government does not want Canadians to see. They come directly from the soldiers in the field who have relayed the grisly details of combat through Internet postings and e-mails to friends and family back home.

They detail some of the fiercest fighting that soldiers have encountered in the country, and the stark horrors of combat.

"We headed off to what can only be described as the Wild West," one Canadian artillery officer wrote of a July 6 mission in Helmand province in support of a company of British soldiers under attack from Taliban fighters. The Brits had been reduced to boiling river water to drink after a failed air drop of supplies that ended up in the hands of the Taliban.

"When we arrived in Sangin, the locals began throwing rocks and anything they could at us. This was not a friendly place. We pushed into the district centre and, during the last few hundred metres, we began receiving mortar fire."

The accounts are both shocking and compelling for their casual retelling of the realities of combat. They are inspired as much by a desire to share the excitement and danger of pitched battles that often escape the witness of the media as by frustration when that coverage does occur.

But as death tolls mount these personal accounts are increasingly becoming a release valve for the growing frustrations of soldiers who find themselves facing a tougher, more resilient enemy in a hostile land where Taliban fighters on dirt bikes carry weapons in one hand and their children in the other.

"There have been some terrible incidents," one soldier told Britain's Daily Mail in an e-mail interview. "It is horrible to kill a kid. Nothing could prepare you for it."

Another e-mail obtained by the newspaper paints a horrific picture of British soldiers soiling themselves with fear and suffering mental trauma because of the threats they face on the ground. The troops were flown into combat on a Chinook helicopter to rescue Afghan troops and French special forces, but found dead bodies strewn across the battlefield and gun fire directed at their helicopter.

"The scene was like a human abattoir. We fought off the Taliban but were too late to save the French guys. All of us were shaking when we were flown back to base. One of the Afghan survivors said the French had been tied up, then gutted alive by the Taliban. It was one of the most shocking things I had ever heard."
More on link

So this journalist posits that we aren't getting the whole story... and then cuts and pastes the very worst parts of a couple emails, with no context.  Get this man a Pulitzer!
Hey, I have some "unconfirmed sources" that state that the Leader Post is worthless leftist tool of subversion.

Also, there are "accounts" of Allan Woods being a hack, forced to write articles on other people's articles to keep himself fed.

Too bad unsubstantiated, unsourced accounts by unnamed, undated anonymous individuals don't count for much eh?

m410 said:
So this journalist posits that we aren't getting the whole story... and then cuts and pastes the very worst parts of a couple emails, with no context.  Get this man a Pulitzer!

WOAH there. No need to jump the gun now. He should run for the leader of the Liberal Party  ;D
I sometimes wonder what happened to journalistic integrity? Its so easy to cut and paste, but its seems its not so easy to sit down and write something thought provoking without an obvious bias. Its just seems that a lot of journalists are taking the easy way out and twisting things for their own gain, which makes people like us lose all respect for them and their papers.
I guess the pressure of the dead line, a lack of journalistic talent and the internet have changed a lot of the media sources in the world.
Another jealous media type ignorantly hacking at his deployed colleagues and implying that "embed" means "in-bed" and the only truth that gets out is by fearless bloggers. Wake up and read (I mean really read...)Canadian media coverage over the last year and you'll see that this simply is not true. It isn't just the "hearts and flowers" getting through, as we know all too well.

Those reports are governed by a contract that restricts the movements of journalists and the types of information that can be reported from Afghanistan. Unlike the official accounts, those from soldiers are the descriptions that the government does not want Canadians to see.

So, yet another example of journalistic laziness and bias...  This "reporter" couldn't even be bothered to look at the agreement that governs embeds and instead extrapolates his own political bias into his story.  If he'd taken two seconds, he would have discovered the embeds aren't subject to censorship for anything but operational reasons.

"Why I Loathe the Media:  Chapter 3 - Lazy Journalists"...

Of course, the Taliban Jacks of the world will take this opinion as gospel.  ::)
Taliban fighters on dirt bikes carry weapons in one hand and their children in the other

How do you drive a dirt bike with both hands full?  ???
muskrat89 said:
How do you drive a dirt bike with both hands full?   ???

I've seen that reference in one of the published e-mails from the Brits.  Perhaps it is more likely that the "Big Guy - Dad" has brought along the "Little Guy - Son" to either drive the bike, thereby allowing him to shoot, or else to sit on the pillion chucking grenades while "Dad" drives.  I don't think there is any guarantee that the boy is necessarily a relative, let alone a son.  Nor is there any guarantee he is necessarily there williingly.
Just taking out the worst bits of something that used to be good... sounds like Taliban Jack don't it!!!!  ;D
Sadly I have retired the hippie high leadership, so Allan Woods will never get the recognition he so richly deserves....... sigh. :(

Teddy Ruxpin said:
Of course, the Taliban Jacks of the world will take this opinion as gospel.  ::)
He already has the books printing for distribution to the masses ;D
To be honest, as much as he's likely doing it for the sensationalism and nothing else (well, maybe except to pass on the anti war talking points)- he may have a point.

The reality of things is that we're engaged in light/ medium intensity warfare over there, and as a result, there are casualties.  And, because of the great advances of body armour, there are a lot of people surviving who would have died in previous wars.  So, there's a human cost beyond those killed- a greater proportional cost than in our last war experience.  The general media response notes those who have died, and pays very little attention to those injured.  So, the point that I think he's trying to make is that things are worse that most Canadians understand from the simple death toll . 

My response- Our guys are in a bad neighbourhood, and are feeling the effects- point taken.  However, and this is the part that most people don't get- they are soldiers, and this is what soldiers do.    For the same reason that the Toronto police don't give up on patrolling Jane & Finch, we cannot give up on Afghanistan- at least not without feeling the effects down the road.